[center][h1][color=gold] Cymbeline Lockhart [/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Seeing the captain safe as the enemy forces routed, Cymbeline rushed over to where the attack from the woods had occurred. As much as she wanted to see if Fannily was ok on a personal level, as a mage herself she was more than a little desirous to go and see what the nature of the other magic was. Others had already visibly gone over there during the fight, as it were, and as she herself arrived a searing, brilliant shade of purple erupted from tree before she could see where it came from. However, one of the other knights had at least stepped in to protect the others from this obviously magical trap of...surprising power at that. A small crater was all that remained in the end where a tree had probably once stood, and even the talented half-Nem mage felt a chill go down her spine about it all. Whomever this was, whatever this had been, it was from someone whose magical power and skill was leagues above the average. It was more than a little concerning, in more ways then one beyond simply this mage having tried to kill the Captain. No, for trying to kill the Captain whomever this mage was would pay, but at the same time Cymbeline wanted to...understand this mage as well. This unspoken desire as a magic user to understand and learn about this mage's power, as it were, was a thing that resonated with her as a magic user despite her feelings as a knight differing from this in part. However, as the others spoke to the faeries, she herself stayed silent, hoping not to anger them whilst the others asked a bit of questions to them. No need to try to overwhelm the powerful little things with too much at once. [hr] [center][h1][color=crimson] Elissa Lockhart [/color][/h1][/center] [hr] After having approached the commander, to make sure herself and the others around here were at least safe after the enemy was finally routed, the stoic Elissa listened to what was initially said by their rather young commander. Between the show of magic, and the lack of magic ability among the orcs proper as a race, the sword and shield user had already managed to get some guesses at the matter. Or at least, ideas about what could have been the case. Lilianna's words, educated and wise as they were, seemed to finally hit Fannily in the face, in Elissa's mind anyways. "Indeed, it would seem that the orcs had help coming here from whomever that mage was. Considering the power of their attack, though, perhaps the orcs and trolls were in part fodder to give said mage an opening at killing our Captain here," the half-Nem girl said, internally rolling her eyes at Fannily even as she facially appeared to be serious in tone and nature outwardly, "Mmm?" As the town's bloodied defenders finally approached them, Elissa calmly shut her mouth as the handsome young man came up and introduced himself, after thanking the knights for helping. However, as he spoke of his father, the look of discomfort coming onto his face, Elissa felt a twang of suspicion rise into her chest for a moment. Perhaps it was unwanted suspicion, but to be sure... "If i may ask in this instance- was your father harmed in the fighting?" Elissa asked, taking advantage of the momentary silence to ask a question of the boy, taking care to use a polite tone of voice in the process to try to avoid making a faux pas at this point.