[color=00a651][b]Dr. Arthur West - Salem Diner[/b][/color] [i]“I knew there was a location of an old SRB hideout around this area. It’s nearby, in fact its located across the way, in the old building. Per the specs, there should be a terminal, supplies, maybe a few guns, and security shutters. It was meant as a safe house for back when we had non-synth research patrols.”[/i] Arthur's eyes lit up at the mention of the SRB safehouse, and he excitedly clasped Rick on the shoulders, "Excellent. That could be just what we need. Supplies and weapons we could use to help defend the town and perhaps even a secure way to contact our superiors. We'll have to come up with a good excuse as to how we procured the supplies of course...but we can worry about that later." Arthur began impulsively pacing, considering just what to do and how to best word his request to ensure that The Directorate would not only take notice, but grant them request for materials they needed, even when The Institute's own resources were, at this time, limited. He also pondered how might be the best way to use the supplies already in the bunker without arousing any suspicion. "Yes...yes that should work," he muttered to himself, before looking up at Rick, "Alright, we shouldn't waste any time. Would you be able to lead me to the shelter right away? The sooner we pursue this, the better I feel."