[color=bc8dbf][center][h1]Satilla Valen[/h1][/center][/color] [center][color=bc8dbf]Location:[/color] The Tower, Floor 1 [color=bc8dbf]Interacting With:[/color] Kyra, Ash, Multi legged Nightmare fuel [/center] Things weren't looking the brightest right now. Giant centipede, wounded Ash and not properly armed Kyra plus not really good at combat Satilla versus big scary nightmare-y critter with big pincers and lots on lots of legs. Heck there was the chitin that would serve as armor too! In random thought, Satilla did think about a fact that she had heard long time ago about people using chitin for armor plating instead of steal.[i][color=bc8dbf]' Why am I even thinking about that!?'[/color][/i] She realized, trying to assess the situation better. She was out of 2 spells now, only the moderate healing, the healing hex and the life pact were left. Luckily she had potions to cover that, but potions required time to take effect and to be actually consumed which wasn't always possible on the spot. Hopefully that wouldn't happen, but she couldn't help but worry as she kept behind Kyra, using the ranger as a barrier from the multilegged horror. Yeah she was in a tight spot, there was nowhere to go right now without opening herself to being attacked from the side or get in the way of Ash and Kyra. She had to stay put for the moment, weight her options and then decide on what to do as an opportunity presents itself.