[center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5mZmZmZmYuV1dWc1pXNWguMgAA/nemo-nightmares.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ujWx3Vv.png[/img] [@Saltwater Thief] [@Zelosse] Her first attempt had failed but not without some portion of success. Nevertheless she didn't feel quite pleased about it, especially when considering the showcases of the other students around the place. Getting advice from the Headmaster wasn't something she would have honestly expected and caught her slightly by surprise. Following him soon after was also Marshall Narquis, who came around to offer what she could only figure out as reassurance. His words came off as concerning, yet thoughtful. Though thanks to the earlier strain she wasn't sure how to respond back either. Managing only a light smile and a few quiet words; [i][color=92278f]"Thank you... I'll try again."[/color][/i] Sitting in the same exact position, she lowered both her arms on her lap and held both hands palm facing up. Murmuring something in her own native tongue twice; [i][color=92278f]"Zhizn' prozhit' — ne pole pereyti."[/color][/i] An old Russian proverb she had learned during her childhood. To begin, she looked around herself before moving her sight back to her hands while closing her eyes slowly again. All the while trying to get a feel for all the water running around the complex. It felt new and utterly alien to her that she could technically speaking "feel" the water in a manner of speaking. Soon enough, tiny streams separating from the main flows would soar through the air and above her hands. Forming the ball in a particularly peculiar manner. Two separate flows from opposite sides entangle in the middle before spiraling within, giving mass and form to an identical ball of water as previously seen. She kept at it until it was somewhere in-between the size with what she had started with and what she had eventually ended up shattering with. It was a "minor" spectacle to say the least, but to her it felt almost mesmerizing. Staring at that same bubble, she wouldn't even dare let her eyes close nor wander off. Completely enamored with how she's even able to do such a thing, and not to mention she was holding it steady while having it rotate albeit very slowly. Something so utterly simple to most, yet something fascinating to her at the same time. It felt akin to being in flow, or a state which many believe to be complete absorption in what one does. [color=92278f]"Living your life is not like crossing a meadow, but no one said anything about starting small and progressing slowly. Just like you taught me mom..."[/color] [/center]