[sub]guys I did a thing[/sub] [hider=Djeld][h3]Djeld[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/NsktNkI.jpg[/img] Due to the somewhat peculiar combination of his baggy, exhausted eyes and utterly ecstatic expression, passerbys tend to think that he's a nut. [b]Sex:[/b] [s]If you're fine with me... o///o[/s] Male [b]Class:[/b] Dark Mage [b]Starting Weapons:[/b] Mire, Ruin [b]History:[/b] Originally a hunter from an Elibean village, Djeld returned from the forest to find his home in flames. Quietly drawing his hunting knife, he snuck up on a squad of mages he'd found casting from the trees, and knifed two of them before being noticed. Snatching up their tomes, he fled as spells shot past him, escaping from the battlefield. Drifting through the country, Djeld began a rigorous self-study of the dark magic he had in his possession, seeking power in order to exact revenge. However, after coming into contact with a certain religion, Djeld gave up on revenge after learning about their ideologies of destruction--the end of his village was inevitable. Despite obtaining a relatively high-ranking position within the clergy, Djeld eventually left to resume his quest for power, due to his beliefs conflicting with the other clerics’. [b]Personality:[/b] Unlike the other clerics of his religion, Djeld wasn’t focused on pure destruction; he looked at the implications of it. To him, the inevitability of annihilation--that everything, great or insignificant, will cease in the end--is comforting. There’s no reason to regret the past, for nothing exists in there; no reason to fear the future, for everything meets the same end. These thoughts have given him a surprisingly positive, happy-go-lucky outlook. Because he doesn’t believe in the afterlife, he is solely concerned with the happiness and quality of life for one’s self and others. The major disagreement between him and the other clerics came from his refusal to hurt the innocent; although many of the members of the faith took unscrupulous actions to further the goal of reviving their god, Djeld had forbidden his followers from doing so. Although Djeld doesn’t explictly show it, he holds an abnormal amount of apathy towards people who view themselves as superior to others. Although he can be absolutely merciless, he has absolutely no malevolence or drive behind his actions, often causing others to comment on how eerily hollow his demeanor can be; he tends to liken the feeling to hunting animals. Djeld’s thirst for power is as insatiable as it is incomprehensible, even to himself. [hider=btw]Kana and Selkie are a fun pair.[/hider][/hider]