[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180111/42d9cccf1604b49e9dce5fb244b1b67f.png[/img][hr][img]https://em.wattpad.com/e37de84899925eef6679fac30c2a4b54ed779021/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f64724d7a587570506963754250673d3d2d3336373734353630322e313439666362626530383266343632623431383031373837383031302e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img] [sub]Location: BHHS Parking Lot ---> BHHS Hallway ---> Mrs. Winship's Class Mentions: Trev [@Silent Observer][/sub][hr][/center]Savannah stuck out like a sore thumb as she pulled her bright red pickup truck into the BHHS parking lot. It looked shoddy and old in comparison to the Lamborghinis, Maseratis, and Ferraris she had parked alongside, but to her, Ol’ Red was a piece of home. Everyone and their mother had a truck back in Hico, and it wasn't any different for the redhead, spending the majority of her life behind the wheel of a pick-up. The first car that Sav drove was was a beat up '77 Chevy C/K belonging to her grandmother. The day she first learned to drive the two spent nearly an entire afternoon doing doughnuts in the middle of a field in order to ensure the wide-eyed girl at the steering wheel wouldn't hit anyone. When Sav moved to Beverly Hills, she wanted to make the 20-hour drive in her pickup, but her father Jackson absolutely refused, stating he'd rather buy her a truck when she got there than have her complete the drive on her own. And so, she obliged, going to the dealership the day after she flew up in order to pick up a new car child. However, none of the options suited her, as all the bells and whistles seemed excessive. Jackson then found the perfect solution: a friend of his was selling his aged pickup truck in order to upgrade to something nicer, and thus Ol' Red was born. A little sliver of Texas was exactly what Sav needed right now to calm her nerves. Today was the first day back at BHHS after the winter recess and the Elite’s New Years Party, and she did not know what to expect in the slightest. The event itself was a whirlwind. It was a night filled with liquor, dancing, and [i]unexpected[/i] conversations. For the first time, Sav had gained the courage to talk to her crush, Trevor, and even though it may have been prompted by a drunk comment from his brother, it was magical. Hearing him actually say her name gave Sav butterflies just thinking about it. But what if it was only dumb luck? A right place, right time sort of meeting? Grabbing her backpack from the front seat of her car and slamming the door behind her, Sav began walking slowly towards the front entrance of the school. She had a ton to do today; get started on this week’s edition of the school newspaper, turn in her winter reading report, and try not to faint when she inevitably saw Trevor in homeroom. Savvy opened the door to the school and was greeted by loud chatter from her peers who were reminiscing about their vacations. This person went to Cabo, that person flew to Paris; it all seemed too extravagant and unnecessary, but that was Sav’s opinion and not something she openly shared with her peers. Sure, she dressed the part, wearing all of the designer brands and making sure she didn’t put on anything from too many seasons ago, but it felt forced and unnatural to try and fit in with everyone else in this high-class town. Which was why she sought out an old truck, wanting to hold her roots close and not let go. The redhead continued dodging her way through the hall until she made it to her locker. Turning the lock quickly and precisely, it popped open, revealing the contents of her own personal space in this large school. She switched out some textbooks and stuffed them into her knapsack, grabbing her journal and favorite pen last in order to keep them on hand. Before Savvy turned around and made her way to homeroom, she gazed at her reflection in the mirror on the locker door. She fussed with her hair, fixed her makeup, and tried to mimic how she’d react when she saw Trevor in homeroom. [color=dc143c][b]“[sub]Hi Trevor! How was your break?” “Hi, Trevor, it was great seeing you last weekend.” “Hey Trevor, I’m writing an article about tryouts, can I interview you?[/sub]”[/b][/color] Savvy let out a deep sigh and slammed her locker frustratedly. None of the things she tried seemed to be the reaction she was going for, which caused her brow to furrow and her expression to turn dull and concerned. Nonetheless, she gathered herself and began to walk towards Winship's class, picking up her stride in order to make it before the bell rang. Arriving in the room precisely as the ringing commenced, droning out any potential conversations and greetings, Sav walked directly towards the back of the room, sitting down at a desk next to the window. Opening up her journal and beginning to write in swirly penmanship the basis of her next article, she tuned out the rest of the room, attempting to get some work done.