[@ReusableSword] So Says The Swordman LOL Good point, the military is what we are after all; "We are Weapons of War?" [i]As the world approached a new century, the government approved funding for a clandestine project called only by the nickname "SKINTIGHT". This was the start of extensive research into the areas of nanobot health and enhancement methods, as well as developing weaponized systems and literally turning humans into robots. Disregarding ethics and morals, the scientists began to dig deeper. A growing interest in the use of nanobot technology in the military, combined with the ideas of a few mad scientists, gave birth to the project's most daring experiment. A way to "make" the perfect soldier--to grow machine and human right alongside each other, starting from conception.[/i] It would be reckless not to allow any of the Birthed to at least understand the ethic the Scientists believe in; of course, the Birthed are able to alter that view to the same extent teens find they are allowed alter the ethics taught by their school and parents.