[center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/61f530de4167e8493041e5063f53bb5a/tumblr_inline_ovt9joEbpo1qlt39u_250.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/IwAfxq3.png[/img] [color=slategray][sub]Location: Hailey’s Room Featuring:[/sub][/color] [color=922b2b][sub][b]Hailey Green[/b][/sub][/color] [color=slategray][sub]and[/sub][/color] [color=2f8a17][sub][b]Butler[/b][/sub][/color][/center][hr][hr] [indent]Hailey didn’t much care about school anymore. Not the work part anyway; it came easily to her, and her biggest secret was that she was already done with her credits. Hailey Green showed up to school as a courtesy to her friends. Besides, completed courses looked better on a college application. Hailey Green [i]did[/i] care, quite a bit actually, about the social intricacies of the school. That was where the fun was, and that was where Hailey happily played her game. It was a game in which every student, willingly or unwillingly was a participant. She liked it that way; it was often her out playing many people at once, sometimes her own friends. Sometimes, she liked to muse about this, particularly the most recent move she’d made. That move, of course, was the forcible separation of Beatrix Kingsley and Owen Lyon. It had hurt them both far more than she’d anticipated, and Beatrix [i]was still[/i] struggling to get completely over it. Honestly, it had been nearly three months ago. Despite this, Hailey had long accepted the fact that the problem most likely was with her — she had just opted not to care. Hailey had a problem, one that was really a chemical imbalance in her brain, perhaps caused by the innate stress given to her by her last name. Perhaps it was driven by something else, but Hailey was a control freak, and a perfectionist, to levels and points that she [i]knew[/i] it harmed her relationships and the people around her. Even Trixie being as upset as she was stung Hailey dearly. Hailey knew she had hurt her beloved cousin, but she found herself so [i]obsessed[/i] with her own grandiose idea of a perfect world, that she put Trixie’s feelings on the backburner. Hailey was a Green, and Greens did not allow regret to plague their lives. She could find a way to handle Trixie’s apparent depression, but she would do so when she had an idea. For now, Hailey already had a different plan and a course of action that was well underway that required her focus. She had already dealt with the Elite; as far as she was concerned the nuisances had been forcibly ejected from the playing field, and it was back the way she liked it. No more people stepping up to try and eliminate her carefully curated social ladder. She had one person to thank for that: the author of the Weekend Warrior. And thank them Hailey had, leaving a donation of $4500 on the website, with an attached phone number (a burner phone of her Butler’s). If she had her way, the proprietor of the Weekend Warrior would be on her payroll before the next, well, weekend. Hailey, however, was confident there wouldn’t be any wars this weekend. There were no soldiers left. That, however, had been a Sunday venture! It was Monday now, and she was dressed for school. It was 6:55 in the morning, and Hailey was enjoying one of her rare moments of relaxation. She was resting on the [url=https://www.soothingcompany.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/o/o/oo8m2zqr9lgwvdw-1u5ai3agk4kywk96aq2yisyrbkc.jpg]massive beanbag[/url] she kept in her room. Hanging out of her mouth was a half-burned blunt (strawberry wrap), and resting on her chest was [url=http://cdn3-www.dogtime.com/assets/uploads/gallery/pembroke-welsh-corgi-dog-breed-pictures/prance-8.jpg]Hana Song[/url], her beloved puppy. On her ears was a pair of Sennheiser Orpheus HE90s (serial number 02), playing [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSbZidsgMfw]her music[/url]. The headphones made it feel like she was in the studio with the artist, and it was quite frankly an unexplainable joy that washed over her when she was able to relax and listen to music through the headphones. It made her feel like a kid, and she [i]temporarily[/i] forgot about her game. [center][color=black][b][i]I’m Wolf, Tyler put this fuckin’ knife in my hand[/i][/b][/color][/center] Hana on her chest, snoozing lightly while her owner scratched behind her ears, and the carefully rolled drug in her mouth only made things better. It helped that she was resting on her bean bag, which basically felt like a cloud. In her opinion, everyone should own one of them, whether old, young, rich, or poor. In her perfect reality, everyone would. [center][color=black][b][i]I’m Wolf, Ace gon’ put that fuckin’ hole in my head[/i][/b][/color][/center] Hailey closed her eyes and honestly skirted on the edge of sleep for the fleetest of seconds, before the door opened and Hana jumped up, rousing Hailey instantly. She opened her eyes and saw Butler standing there. Hailey held up a finger before she moved to take the headphones off. [center][color=black][b][i]And I’m Wolf, that was me who shoved a cock in your bitch[/i][/b][/color][/center] Hailey removed the headphones, and smiled at Butler, kissing Hana Song before pushing her away and sitting up. [color=922b2b][b]“Yes, Butler?”[/b][/color] After she spoke, Butler made a mental note that she was in a good mood, and he focused on keeping things short enough to keep it that way. [color=2F8A17][b]“I made contact. She wants a meeting.”[/b][/color] [color=922b2b][b]“Our weekend friend? Did you get a name? Ah, I suppose not. Stupid question. A meeting? That’s fine, call her back — I assume you have a call back number? Of course you do, you’re my Butler. The best. Call her back, and arrange a brunch. Wednesday morning will suffice. Call ahead to the Blue Lantern, make sure it’s empty for an hour. I don’t want any distractions or any interruptions.”[/b][/color] Hailey stood up and stretched her hands high above her head. It was one of ‘those’ days for her. Rather than be dressed in an expensive dress, with pearls around her neck, and a designer bag on her arm, Hailey was instead dressed in a flavor undeniably inspired by her father. A dark grey hoodie with the Turtle School logo stamped on the back (not too large, she didn’t want to look like a degenerate), underneath that was a piece of old school AWE merch, celebrating the Deathadder, who Hailey’s dog was named after. She wore a hat on her head that had a reference to a classic esports team (RD, Jericho Snyder’s team), and had on tight jeans and sneakers that cost more than most houses. [color=922b2b][b]“How do I look?”[/b][/color] [color=2f8a17][b]“It’d be nearly impossible for you to look bad. I think you pull off the ‘street wear’ work very well, and I think it’ll be a good reminder that you have a wardrobe that reaches outside of ‘rich woman.’ I can’t see anyone complaining about what you wear — not that it would matter much anyway. Brunch will be arranged.”[/b][/color] [color=922b2b][b]“Good answer. Let’s go to school, shall we?”[/b][/color] Hailey blew Hana Song a kiss, and led her Butler out the door and toward the garage.[/indent]