[@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Mariana Collie] William never truly considered that a pet dog could be a threat to anyone. He knew, logically, that a dog could hurt someone, but he never imagined being in such a situation. Consciously and subconsciously, he could only regard dogs as harmless, adorable little creatures. So when Miko jumped on him, he didn't react violently or even defensively. He attempted to gently push the dog to the side, but Miko was too strong and heavy, and William wound up on his ass. At the same time, his friend was being thrown around by the oddly tall Evangeline. This guy was a bit more street-hardened than William, however. While he would refrain from shooting so as not to draw attention, he had no problem getting violent. As she tried to throw him, he hooked her hard in the kidney. Her throw attempt only sent him stumbling, but not on the ground. He chuckled, though annoyed, turning again after her attempt to resist back to her, gun in hand. "Funny when they fight back." He said, swinging the back of his hand across her face, hard. He then picked up her wallet as if nothing had happened. "Now get on the ground, bitch." He said, putting the gun in West's face now. [@Camey] Mikkish just shrugged "They probably have some way of tracking us, but not like it matters. We're on an island. Where the fuck are we going to go?" He looked around at the people wondering the streets. This was a magic place? When was he going to see more? Not just people teleporting to the pizza place, but extravagant things. Light, sparks, portals, shit appearing out of thin air. That was what he thought when he heard the word "magic." Yet this seemed like any other day, minus the sounds of gunfire and everyone openly carrying guns. It was odd to see so many people unarmed. Some were armed, in a sense, but carrying swords or some martial arts weapons. Mikkish recalled an early time in his life. He was about 13, or 14. He had decided to sneak out without a gun, thinking he could run past the Pests. It didn't quite work out. He punched one that had flung itself at him, feeling the details of its face and the juice of its eyes as he sent it falling back to the ground. It was this, wasn't it? This that lead him to the incident that lead him here. "What brought you here?" He asked Maddox as they walked along the sidewalk.