[hr][hr] [centre][h1][color=ec008c]Eve Lance-Vince[/color] and [color=white]Jocelyn Harmon[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/dlNouz1.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/YZWrbe8.jpg[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Courtyard; Academy grounds [sup]Interacting with: Each other.Killian [@YoshiSkittlez][/sup][/centre] [hr][hr] Keeping up her pace, Eve soon found herself in a courtyard, with students milling about. She looked around rather intrigued by them all. Her gaze swept over, seeking people that could be fun. There were the Stark boys, easily recognisable given the publicity around their family. Both rather attractive, but the older seemed more… stocky. Her gaze wondered contentedly for a moment before sighing happily, moving on. A boy she supposed was older then he seemed but didn’t really hold any interest for her. A few girls… that could be fun too. She debated about who to approach, gaze continuing to search. She decided to approach someone that wasn’t already talking with others, her search taking her towards a girl with a dog that seemed way to stuck up. She didn’t think a dog could be stuck up. How strange. Walking towards her, Eve twisted the lollipop stick between her teeth, slowing when she neared them. [color=ec008c]“So is the dog in charge or are you?[/color]” She asked cheerfully Tonic looked at the girl who approached her and smiled. [b]”He likes to think so. I'm Jocelyn Victoria Beatrice Harmon, I prefer Tonic, by the way. That is … well that's Duke Pennington or just Duke or Penny when he gets too full of himself. Calling him a girls name seems to bring him off his high horse. I'd hold out a hand to shake but they seem to be full of bags at present.”[/b] Tonic grinned at Duke as he huffed and looked away when she said Penny. [b]”Don't be fooled by his appearance he's a softy and he likes attention. Sometimes I think he goes out of his way to get it. So know anything about this place that isn't printed on a cracker Jack box?”[/b] Tonic’s manner is almost a 180 from what she is dressed like. She is very relaxed and friendly. She smiles and is engaging and one can tell it is genuine. She has a slight British accent. [color=ec008c]“No idea who you are. Don’t think I’ve heard of your parents”[/color] Eve said, a little intrigued. If there was someone she didn’t know whose parents they were, then they must not be well known. [color=ec008c]“I’m Evelina Lance-vince. But just call me Eve”[/color] She said in a friendly tone, [color=ec008c]“Don’t worry Dukey, I won’t call you Penny”[/color] She said, noticing the dog looking away. She grinned, [color=ec008c]“Is a school… I figure we will learn stuff the mainstream school don’t teach. Like weaponary!”[/color] Eve said eagerly. Tonic chuckled at the line of weaponry and Eve’s eagerness. She seemed to know who she was or at least what she wanted, and it seemed most unconventional and quite frankly refreshing. She and Eve were going to get along splendidly. [b]“I prefer to solve things without violence but at times that doesn't work. I'm a realistic...no idealistic pacifist. Yes that's a better term for it. I won't not defend myself or friends but I will think of a way to render someone unconscious rather than kill them.”[/b] Tonic seems to get a far off stare and Duke noses her leg with no reaction from her. Duke blows out a deep huffing sigh and noses Tonic again. Again not receiving a response he looks over at Eve imploringly and whines softly as if to say help. Eve grinned, reaching up to take the lollipop stick from between her teeth, taking out another piece of candy and popping it into her mouth sucking on it a moment. Eve kept her relaxed stance, one hand on her hip. She twirled the lollipop stick between her fingers of her free hand, listening as Tonic spoke. [color=ec008c]”I prefer more… peaceful methods to fighting too, and more fun.”[/color] she said suggestively, grinning, [color=ec008c]”But nothing quite comes close to kicking ass.”[/color] She added. She tilted her head as Tonic seemed to drift away. [color=ec008c]”Your master a little nuts, huh?”[/color] She said to the dog, [color=ec008c]”Well that’s okay, we’re all a little cuckoo.”[/color] She reached out to touch Tonic, giving her a little shake. [color=ec008c]”Oi! Could probably get ya dog to lick your face!”[/color] Tonic snapped out of it and looked down at Eve’s hand then at Duke then back up at Eve. [b]”Sorry. I've been really tired. Driving from Canada was no joke.” [/b]She seemed to shake it off and rummaged around in her bag. Taking out a campus map she had highlighted an area that read dorms. She handed the paper over to Eve.[b] “Think we could find this area so I can quit impersonating She-Ra?”[/b] She chuckled and shifted her bags to a more comfortable position. [b]“I'd owe you one. And if that means sneaking out to the nearest...I don't know, dance club or just getting off campus for a bit I'm totally fine with it.”[/b] Eve frowned slightly. The girl was clearly somewhat… not all there. Eve wondered if she should be worried. It seemed more than being tired. Had Eve made a mistake approaching this woman? [color=ec008c]”Uh, no it’s okay.”[/color] She said, quite a quick smile. She glanced at the map and then shook her head, [color=ec008c]”I don’t think we can go to the dorms just yet. Gotta do all that orientation crap ya know?”[/color] She said with a shrug, [color=ec008c]”Don’t think we can access the dorms until we officially enroll. Probably have to wait for a speech from Wayne and what not.”[/color] She said [color=ec008c]”Sorry, looks like ya gotta stay awake a bit longer.”[/color] Tonic shook her head and looked back over her shoulder and nodded toward at 1969 Stingray. [b]“Guess I can put my stuff back in the trunk. Come on I'll show you my baby.”[/b] Tonic tosses her hair at the car and turns with a click of her tongue and Duke stands and follows as if she said heel. Back over at the Stingray Tonic unlocks the trunk having to put down the duffels. She then loads them back into the trunk. Sighing softly she turns back to Eve. Raising her voice she called back to her. [b]“You think we're going to have clarified what classes we want or need? I mean right away? No adjustment period and all that.”[/b] Tonic looked around and indicated all the people in the courtyard walking back and lowering her voice.[b] “Whole lot of people to work around. Assuming that Bruce can work around this.” [/b]Tonic pointed out the Stark boys, the girl with lions, the two redheads with vines on luggage, and the Asgardians who were being fawned over like royalty.[b] “So now that we know there is a higher pecking order and we all fall far below it at least in some people's minds.”[/b] Tonic sighed as she watched the girl and horse being lead by the boy and wolf. She focused on the girl. Very pretty and seemingly sad. She wondered why. Looking at the boy and wolf again she hoped it wasn't because of him. Shaking her head she put it out of her mind, other than to mentally note to talk to the girl later. If anything she might need or want a friend to talk to. Turning back to Eve she smiled. [b]“So where are you from and what brings you here, other than the obvious?”[/b] Eve followed her, if only so this somewhat strange wouldn’t pass out and be trampled on by other students. How had she got stuck babysitting? Even if it was for an okay looking specimen… She frowned at the womans words, glancing to where she had pointed, [color=ec008c]”If you start of thinking you’re in a peaking order, then you deserve to be at the bottom. There is no pecking order, just because they have Tony Stark as their father doesn’t mean they are on the same level as him. She might have lions, but maybe there her pets. Who cares? You can reach the top, but not if you think you are at the bottom.”[/color] She shrugged, sucking on her lolly for a moment, [color=ec008c]”As for classes, I think we have a few weeks to decide on a permanent schedule. And Bruce? What, you doing him some special favours to be on a first name basis with him?”[/color] Eve said, a wicked grin on her features and a suggestive wink, chuckling softly. [color=ec008c]”And I’m from Star City. I’m here for a bit of fun.”[/color] Tonic laughs out loud and clear at Eve's statement in summing up the situation. It's a deep unused laugh but fits her and more real than her previous chuckles. Not that they were fake but this just fits her better. Her eyes brighten and she seems happier. She looks down at Duke who is wagging his tail happily.[b] “Well I needed that. Well made point Eve. As for the Bruce, I don't know him and I was being flippant in not calling him Mr. Wayne. I'm not so arrogant as to say it to his face but it's sometimes more difficult to think...well never mind.”[/b] She waves the thought away.[b] “Needless to say I shall watch what I say more carefully. And he's not my type...if I even have one. I have no idea. I've never had a romance so I have nothing to draw from. Sure I've read plenty of novels but it doesn't work like that in real life, from what I can tell.”[/b] She smirks.[b]“What about you? Leave a beau back in Star City?”[/b] Eve frowned. Even she knew the difference between being flippant and just… arrogant. But she decided not to argue the point. [color=ec008c]”Most people I’ve encountered call him Batman or Mr. Wayne. Don’t get what’s so hard to think of him like that, but to each their own I guess”[/color] She said, shrugging, [color=ec008c]”Really? Thought he was everyones type. Dark, handsome and rich. Isn’t that most peoples type is?”[/color] she chuckled, [color=ec008c]”Aw, no experiences? Come on, you must have some! You just go for what ya want, that’s all!”[/color] She let out another laugh, [color=ec008c]”Nah, I just like to have fun. What’s the point in being tied to one person? Much more fun to play the field!”[/color] Tonic smirks and pets Duke while looking at Eve.[b] “Not my cup of tea luv. And no. No experience here. Rather a, how to put it, lack of great expectations.”[/b] Eve gave a laugh, [color=ee008c]”Well, we’ll have to get you some experiences.”[/color] she said, with a rather suggestive wink, grinning wickedly. She chuckled, taking out yet another piece of candy, [color=ee008c]”Would you… like some?”[/color] Tonic shrugged and nodded.[b] “Sure why not? Have a green one in there?”[/b] Tonic looked interested in the candy. Eve grinned and nodded, handing Tonic a green candy, and giving her a rather suggestive wink, [color=ee008c]”There’s more where that came from… if you’re game to try.”[/color] she said, chuckling softly, rather amused that Tonic really didn’t seem to understand what she was saying and doing. Eve realised she could have some fun with her… She grinned, [color=ee008c]”What about you, Dukey? Want some candy?”[/color] Duke cocked his head and looked between Eve and Tonic. Tonic looked at Duke and mock frowned. [b]“Sugar? No way. You're gonna make a mess in the room and or in the car. You remember that you're sugar intolerant, Duke.”[/b] Tonic stated around the candy in her mouth. Eve gave a throaty chuckle [color=ec008c]“Its sugar free. I eat so much of the stuff, has to be”[/color] She said, throwing the candy into the air for Duke to catch, [color=ec008c]”Go on, Dukey!”[/color] She said cheerfully, taking out her phone when it buzzed. She grinned and let out a small whoop, turning towards the gates she said a hasty [color=ec008c]”I gotta go great my main bitch!”[/color] before trotting off in the direction of the gates, seeking out Killian. It had been much too long since she had last seen her friend.