The surge of power in the cave was enough to get Ailbe to wake up. Some sparks still linger when he opens his eyes and he sees the crying girl on the her knees. He rushes towards her and wraps his arms around her. [b]"It's fine. Everything will be okay. We're safe now. You did well."[/b] He hated himself for having asked her to use her powers... But they would've been dead if she hadn't. [b]"Come, we must move. It's not safe to stay here. They probably felt that."[/b] Ailbe makes his way to the horses and checks all the equipment. Once he's sure all is there, he starts packing the things left in the cave. Rolling up the bedrolls and putting out the fire by kicking some dirt in it. They couldn't leave any trace of them being here. They tried so hard to make themselves untraceable... All undone by some stupid giant snake or whatever it was. He looks at Shan, which he left sitting on one of the rocks. [b]"It's time to go Shan. Are you ready?"[/b]