The possessed pirate followed the half-orc into the den of cultists, famished with the appetite of exploitation and physical sustenance. The druid almost carried the staff haphazardly, not truly depending on the firmness of its reliance, as his soiled boots salted the innards of the mess hall. [color=ed1c24]“Yes, I do hunger.”[/color] She surveyed the area, scoping the entrances and exits, in addition to whom were in attendance at the bar, tables and those walking in obvious employment. Shadowing the barbarian from a distance was only natural. Providing such a separation from the green blood probably warranted suspicion from the looming guards, but the bard now in charge felt the risk was amenable to the chance of ravishing this camp. [color=ed1c24]“Please satiate such cravings, Orchid. Lest I become cranky.”[/color] The posited statement was direct but doubly awkward from its delivery. Hiding her demeanor seemed no longer to be a requisite for Xaron any longer. [@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher][@Hekazu]