Is there room for one more? The Wyrm referred me to you fine bunch. I have a vague idea of current events. [u][b]The Knarrlings[/b][/u] [hider=My Hider] [b]Clan Name:[/b] the Knarrlings [b]King Name:[/b] King Halvard Storstrand [b]Aliases:[/b] The Fisher King, Krakenkiller, Bonewhisper, Farsailer, Quickaxe, Seascorn, Manyfather [b]Government Type:[/b] More of a cultural identity then a government. Each community has its own chief, but amongst them they elect their 'King,' whose primary duty is collecting the tribute from each community that the Knarrlings then would pay to the High King. This position lasts for nine years and King Halvard has held this role for the last eight. [b]Non Human Species Descriptions:[/b] The Knarrlings trade with an aquatic people they call the Merrow. While roughly humanoid in shape they are far from it, with long powerful tails and monstrous heads they are inscrutable neighbours, as likely to attack a fishing vessel as leave it alone. The Merrow will often trade precious metals such as gold and silver or gems in exchange for steel and iron goods, usually weapons. There's a suspicion that the Merrow undertake their own wars deep beneath the water, though the Knarrlings dare not whisper of who they fight. [b]Location:[/b] To be decided. [b]Religion:[/b] Similar enough to other clans of the Broken Lands, though with an emphasis on sea and weather deities and spirits. [b]Clan Description:[/b] The Knarrlings take their name from the knarre, a particular design of longboat they prefer to fish and trade in. Smaller then the monster headed longships that many other clans prefer, they're well suited to then shallower waters between their islands and traversing up waterways inland. As a people, they are short and thin but wiry strong with hair bleached and skin darkened by the sun on the water. Due to their homes being built into strange ancient depressions left by the Old Ones, the Knarrlings tattoo themselves with strange diagram-like lines that have been found there, the men favouring their arms and chests while the women prefer their legs and faces. The older members of their clan are covered in these strange markings, and also possessed of many names, given to them by their peers. Until the peace brought by the first High King, the Knarrlings took up the favoured occupation of the Broken Lands: raiding their neighbours. While capable warriors, as a people they now prefer trade with their neighbours both human and otherwise, as well as gaining a great bounty from the sea. In the last decade, growing wealth has enabled them to grow in population and spread through their lands. Having never been a great people, they now have the chance to seize the opportunities available from this chaos, and a King ambitious enough to try. [b]Clan History:[/b] To be decided, dependant on neighbours. Raiding in the past, but peaceful trading most recently. [b]Regional Geography/Resources/Economy Details:[/b] The Knarrlings live on rocky coastlines and wind scoured islands. They make their homes in square rocklike depressions said to be left by the Old Ones with roofs made of driftwood and dry seaweed. Despite their coastal nature and lack of mining, the Knarrlings are rich in gold and silver from their trade with the Merrow. They then buy rough iron, smith it into what their watery allies desire and exchange it for treasures found from sunken ships or Old One relics. [b]Important Characters:[/b] Halvard Storstrad is the elected King of the Knarrlings and patriarch of a large family. Currently on his last year of his Kingship, the Knarrlings have grown wealthy under his leadership. He is known as an excellent seaman and fisherman; a dangerous profession on seas full of monsters. Ingvild Storstrad is Halvard's eldest child and likely to be his heir. She is a powerful warrior and charismatic leader, though straightforward in her thinking. She's in her early thirties at the prime of her life. Hjalmar Storstrad is the second child of Halvard's first wife. A serious and thoughtful man, Hjalmar has always stood behind his sister. Much less of a warrior, Hjalmar is studious and meticulous and takes to all intellectual pursuits quickly. Knute Storstrad is the first child of Halvard's second wife. He is a sailer born and bred, perhaps even wiser then his father in the ways of the sea. He has a good relationship with the Merrow and counts himself a godly man, fearful and respectful of the capricious natures of the water gods. [b]Important Holdings: [/b]The Knarrlings hold only one grand settlement and are otherwise spread thinly throughout their lands. Oskandr is built over a large underground ruin from the days of the old ones. Three layers of great pillared halls linked by ramps form the central hub of the city, all of it made of smooth seamless stone. A more contemporary stone hall has been erected over top, and it is here the King resides and the chiefs meet. The Laggard Tower is their most accomplished construction. It's a stone and mortar lighthouse, with a squat base to ward against the sea. The lantern room is a wonder, fuelled by by whale oil and built of panels of reflective material scavenged from Old One ruins. [b]Relation to other Factions:[/b] To be decided. [/hider]