Thomas was tired, he was sore, and he was most certainly ready for a long sleep. It was only 10:00 am local time so he would have to try and stay awake a little longer even though he'd been on the move for nearly 26 hours. That's what he got for being economical and booking the cheapest flight he could. Calgary to Toronto, on to Halifax, then London, into Glasgow, and now, finally, his train was pulling into Drumvar. The town was much as he remembered it, though he had not been back in some time. Ever since the end of High School, when his obligatory summers at his mothers had come to an end, he hadn't been back more than once or twice. Now he found the old stone buildings somewhat comforting and relished the opportunity to enjoy some serious history once again. The train around him was packed with students, most of them in their twenties. A few ignored him, some smiled at him, and more than a few had commented on the backpack and large duffle bag he had brought with him. He had deflected their good natured curiosity with a story about coming to the region to visit family before going on a hiking tour of the countryside. This last statement had landed him no end of helpful suggestions and offers to accompany him if he wanted some company while out and about. Several young ladies had offered him their mobile numbers to boot. He had thanked them, smiled, laughed, and all the while he could not banish the spectre of his newfound wealth. Thomas had always been proud of his simple way of life, a way of life that had been created by the necessity of being poor, but that had changed. Dramatically. The train lurched to a halt and the students tumbled off in an excited crowd. Thomas followed more slowly, backpack on his back, duffle bag over one shoulder. He was wearing shorts, a light hiking t-shirt, and Salomon hiking shoes, all of it marking him as someone who was most certainly not one of the students. Though his age, handsome features, and size certainly set him apart as a tourist. He took his bags and made his way down to the bus stop that would take him further in to town but it was packed with students. He made his way further down the road, dropped his bags on the ground, and stuck out his thumb. Hitch hiking would do him just fine.