You're the one who challenges, and also inspires me, me to do my best! We're a good match. And...this killed me. [quote] "She gripped the bridge of her nose and took a few deep breaths, as she had seen Drust do to try calming himself"[/quote] I just...I feel so sorry for Elayra and Drust. :lol Hah! So true. Don't ask, but I envisioned them wearing matching shirts. Ghent's would say 'I'm with Blondie' and Elayra's would say 'I'm with Featherhead'. I'm greatly amused by this. I like our version better as well! Maybe I'll donate my Care Bear to the cause...*eyes scissors* It was a pain, but I love my new phone because I have so much storage space. I'm enjoying it, thank you! Haven't gotten to the point where I need to purchase the full version yet. I said it once, I'll say it again. I love their version of Cheshire. True, and true. Never a dull moment with us. XD