Ixveria gladly accepted the cake that was offered to her and with a gusto that not many see started to happily devour it in pace that was somehow fast yet dignified in a odd sense. It was something her peerage members was probably use to but for Nora would be odd and or surprising. It however was interrupted when a large black crane flew in with a sense of urgency that was often not found with her familiar this by itself got her to put down her cake and give it her full attention. The letter in its missive in its beak was short and simple but spelled of trouble that she honestly did not want right now when she should be celebrating the day a new member has joined her. "I am sorry to cut festivities short but I need your full attention." She said her voice tinged with regret as she hated doing this when she promised a few days off so that they can do what they wished. "It seems that something important has come our way that we need to deal with." Her words slowed as she started to figure what was the best way to handle this situation normally this would be relegated to someone else a lesser member of the family normally however the situation was something that required her attention meant it wasn't something minor as a simple fallen or that. "It is unknown but a mage bearing the name of famous one Prelati has apparently teamed up with a unknown and has been slowly getting rid of supernatural in the area. It is as such that our job is to find and eliminate them if at all possible." She said with a loud sigh at the end.