Agreed. ^.^ Ha! Glad you enjoyed that. Oh! I meant to mention it in my last OOC post, but it didn’t happen. I like how you described the opening of the backpack, and then there was this: [quote]He hated it when Elayra wielded anything sharp. Which was always.[/quote] :lol Also love how tempted Ghent is to use magic. That’s… just… great! xD xD I could totally see them wearing shirts like that. I just imagined your Care Bear staring at you in utter terror while you eyed the scissors. More space is always a good thing! Do you keep a lot of music and other media on it, or mostly games/apps? Or a good mix. I’ll always laugh at their Cheshire’s morbid [s]borderline[/s] obsession with Alice and cats tasting good. Oh, about the armor reference I sent. I forgot Drust still has the gauntlets. [quote] Drust, his katana strapped to his back, stepped back and raised a hand, a tight-fitting gauntlet protecting his arm from fist to the crook of his elbow. Elayra’s sword clanged to a stop against the gauntlet, the metal of the armored glove a dirtied shade of white.[/quote] While the full set of armor would be something he would not have hung onto for space reasons, he has a couple pieces of it. I’ll add the picture reference and some info under his character profile. Because I like background stuff WAY too much. Decided to reread a bit to remind myself of what wounds Elayra still has. Note to self: a nasty bruise on the back, and a sore shoulder. Dang, though. I’m more prone to long-winded sentences than I thought. Imma work on that! I’m also starting to think that trees are Drust’s worst enemies.