[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sgYAik7.png[/img][/center] [color=b7b7b7][b][u][center][h2]Sometime In the Past[/h2][sup]A collab between [@Lmpkio] and [@Gardevoiran][/sup][/center][/u][/b][/color] Feeding in Hell was a taxing chore for Apia. Sure, the dungeons were ripe for the taking, and she might head after those in a while, but it didn't suit Apia to eat food simply handed to her. She wanted food with a real kick to it, maybe even moreso then she was willing to take on alone. Either way, she found herself a heavy concentration of raw power coming from a yonder direction in Hell, and it was too tantalizing to pass it up right now! The queen was busy in pursuits of this power source, the upper part of her outfit stained crimson red with the blood of her previous victims that she took on the way here. After a few more minutes of flying, Apia finally located the power source to be... oh. THAT Vassal. Apia had remembered meeting Titanica on the battlefield once before, but that was so long ago to the queen that she had long forgotten the actual essence and feeling that Titanica's power provided. Either way, it seemed like a glorious meal to drink the blood of not just any Vassal, but the blood of the one that spent most of her free time in Hell's depths. Though... there was something that needed changing... A few bees flew out of the Honey Rod as Apia spied on Titanica, and in a hushed voice they were given their order, hopefully without the giant Vassal noticing that there was a new person close by. The bees find Titanica sound asleep within a pool of molten magma. She's already snoring quite loudly, as she changes position from laying on her right side to her left, her plates retaining the heat produced by the volcanic steam. The Vassal has been sleeping for quite sometime, perhaps several years undisturbed within her lair. No one, other than Wayne occasionally checking in, has dared to come within her for a much longer period of time. Normally her rumbling snores would deter most characters from entering in, yet today was different. As the buzzing got closer to the sleeping vassal, Titanica suddenly picks up the faint vibration of the flapping wings. At first, she tries to ignore it, thinking that it was coming from within her sub-conscious. Was it a dream? Or was it coming directly outside? But the buzzing continues to ring through her head, eventually reaching her ears. And that's when she concluded the following... Someone's here. A deep groan rumbles throughout the cave as the mighty beast begins to wake up. Her tail raises up from the burning lava, dripping from her spines, as it crashes down with a massive [i]splash[/i], issuing lava droplets to spew out onto the surface of the black obsidian. Titanica's eyes snap open as she looks what was making that awful noise. The obnoxious sound of fluttering bees. These bees couldn't have appeared from a random portal leading to the overworld. Someone must be controlling them nearby. With that now apparent, she raises her toned body from the pool, lava dripping down her skin as she plants her foot onto the hardened lava bed. Once on the surface, she issues a thundering roar that echoes throughout the cave, a warning for all nearby to stay away. For what fool dares to disturb her peaceful slumber? Ducking behind a nearby rock, Apia feels the anger booming from the nearby Vassal. This was probably an awful time to try and steal some of her delicious blood, but was there ever a good time? Probably not, but now was especially awful for it. Another bee rushed out of the Honey Rod and seemingly threw a limb towards Apia in confirmation that something was about to happen, and Apia smirked deviously as she peeked from behind the rock to see if she would be safe. Of course, 'safe' was a stretch, but it's the best word to describe it at this point. Apia pointed towards the air above Titanica's back as she began to concentrate, keeping an eye out towards TItanica in case something went awry. [color=yellow][i]"Please don't see me, please don't see me, please don't see me..."[/i][/color] Titanica's nose sniffs the air for any sign of the intruder. Her keen sense of smell allows her to pick up the faintest smells, making her able to pinpoint on a single target for up to several miles away. At first, she only picks up the thick smell of sulfur dioxide emitting from the surrounding area... But then she picks up something else... a smell she hasn't sensed for generations. The sweet smell of honey. It was an admittedly welcoming scent to wake up to, but nonetheless proves that someone happens to bee nearby. Someone that has access to honey bees. Titanica is mostly considered a predominant carnivore, yet like a hungry bear coming out from hibernation, even she can't resist a sweet treat to mix things up. She follows her nose down the cave, her footsteps thundering down the hallway as the gets closer to her target. Eventually, she approaches a cavern clearing that is thick with the smell of honey... As well the unmistakable smell of fear. And it all emits off a single large rock near the opposite side of the cavern. There it is. And so Titanica creates a portal and enters through, only to pop out right behind Apia. The vassal grips the bee lady with a powerful hand, lifting her off the floor as she grips the base of her throat. There's the culprit, a ripe yellow-n-black queen bee lady, petite and utterly defenseless. She emits a low guttural groan as she licks her chops with seemingly lascivious intent. [color=00aeef]"There you are."[/color] she speaks in a low voice as she sniffs her briefly, the sweet smell dancing in her nostrils. The Bee is looking much more appetizing by the minute. [color=yellow][i]"SHITSHITSHIT-[/i]GACK"[/color] Apia's mind was cut off by the sudden grip to her neck, her hands shifting to adjust for the sudden change in location of her target. [color=yellow]"T-Titanicaaa... h-heeyyy... n-nice boots... what are they, winter ones...?"[/color] Apia was trying all the small talk in her arsenal in order to stall for time. The treat was so close to her, and she was so close to it as well. She just needed to sweeten the deal. A small portal opened up in the air behind Titanica before Apia simply frowned in her mind. Nothing was coming out of it yet. What was taking her sweeties so long? All Apia could do was stare into the eyes of [url=https://etherpad.net/p/A_Sticky_Situation]Titanica[/url] with her awkward smile reeking of pure unedited guilt.