[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Two[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/sqMVLcmhuRyg0/giphy.gif[/img] Location: Unknown Underground Facility, Lab[/center] [hr][hr] Two heard a few more shots going off as she turned her head to watch as a few more of the armed men's heads were blown clean off, yanking the gun out of the closest to her. When the shots finally stopped as she turned her head to look at one of the soldiers who had the balls to actually tell the remaining armed men to stand down. She turned her head to look at the others that had been woken up in the pods like she had. Maybe these men did have some answers to who or what they were and why they were forced to wake up here in the first place. [color=cyan]"Just tell us who we are, why you are down here and then we can all leave in one piece."[/color] Two said calmly as she looked at Nine who ended up getting shot in the shoulder during the gunfight. Two noticed that there was smoke starting to fill the hallway as she turned her attention towards it to see that she wasn't able to see anything at all other then the figures in front of her. Two had a feeling that it could be even more armed men.