I've had my eye on this roleplay for a while, written a few sheets, but I think I'm finally going to post one because that's a good idea. I'm fully expecting a glaring error though, so there's that. If there is, I'll fix it up as soon as I can. Like in particular, I'm not really sure about if the abilities are alright, for one. If they aren't, I'll fix those too. [s]If you have a problem with his nanobot hair then I have a problem with you and that's that[/s] [hider=Kal Riers - Adaption Unit] Picture: [img]https://i.imgur.com/lg0yofh.png[/img] [color=0054a6][b]Age[/b][/color]: 16 [b][color=0054a6]Height[/color][/b]: 5’6 [color=0054a6][b]Weight[/b][/color]: 119.2 (Varies, depending on Class) [b][color=0054a6]Eye Colour[/color][/b]: Black [b][color=0054a6]Hair Colour[/color][/b]: Blue [b][color=0054a6]Gender[/color][/b]: Male [b][color=0054a6]Role[/color][/b]: Birthed [color=0054a6][b]Interests:[/b][/color] Books, discovery, children's entertainment programs [color=0054a6][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Kal, as the self-proclaimed ‘youngest’ of the group, is very, very impressionable, fittingly enough for someone whose whole schtick is Adaption. One particular schtick of his is trying to incorporate elements of what others do into himself. For instance, if someone he knows has a catchphrase… he might even begin to say it. Kal isn’t good with emotions, in any sense of the word, especially regarding showing them. He has trouble reading other’s emotions unless they’re blindingly obvious. As for Kal himself, he’s prone to saying how he feels. In particular, telling Kal jokes will not go well – as they’d likely fly right over his head. Kal is very curious, and is keen on learning more about the world that he lives in. Unfortunately, though, Kal is also very gullible and naïve, prone to believing the most ridiculous things. It’s best to be literal with this Birthed, lest he take it completely seriously. One phrase you might want to avoid is ‘I’m dyin’ here!’ Kal heavily looks up to his brothers and sisters, along with the Mechanics who take care of them. He’s fine with doing almost anything they ask, from errands – to even having them change his appearance dramatically. Essentially, he lives to serve. In terms of worldview – it is yet another field that Kal can prove quite naïve in. He sees the world in white and black, good and evil… and he sees he and his friends in the right. He sees little wrong with killing those who oppose him and his friends, believing that his enemies are evil. [color=0054a6][b]Abilities/Weapons[/b][/color]: [hider=Abilities/Weapons] “I really hope I can be of use, everyone." Combat-wise, Kal is essentially a jack of all trades, thanks to his main ability – the Class system, allowing him to tinker with his stats, and even weapon to fit the situation. While he can serve various roles, he won’t be close to matching the others in sheer effectivity in their set roles... it's in his potential versatility that he shines. [b][color=0054a6]Adaption Module: Node Absorption[/color][/b]: Kal’s main ability is the Adaption Module, which focuses on the creation of objects called Command Nodes – small, disc-like objects that hold various forms of information – which can affect various elements of his person. These discs can give Kal access to new attributes, created via code… and they can even change elements of his person outside battle, from hair and eye colour – to even his personality! [b][color=0054a6]Nanoweapons[/color][/b]: Kal’s weapon of choice is the Nanoweapon. Like the rest of Kal’s design, the Nanoweapon is designed to be highly configurable. Normally, the Nanoweapon is a small, hilt-like design attached to his shoulders. Depending on his current Configuration, the weapon will change. How the weapon functions is by transferring an excess of Nanobots in Kal’s body to the inactive Nanoweapon, the Nanobots themselves can form metal blades, hammers, shields, and even guns – which fire off other nanobots, taking the form of bullets. In total, Kal has two Nanobots – which he can either dual wield, or combine to create one larger weapon. However, Kal can only use certain weapons per Class. [b][color=0054a6]Adaption Module: Class System[/color][/b]: Kal reconfigures his body in various aspects, and begins using information from a selected Command Node in his body. Taking information from a Node designed for taking damage would allow him to withstand more damage, of course, while a Node based on speed would give him faster reactions, but weaker defences. These are Classes. Currently, Kal only has access to one, though using Command Nodes – Kal can gain more and more classes, to further augment his effectivity. However, these Classes aren't dramatic changes. While they will change Kal's appearance, they won't allow him to say, fly, or use unlisted abilities here. His classes simply change the form of his Nanoweapons, his physical characteristics (speed, strength, the like), and appearance. Listed below are Kal's available Classes. [b][color=0054a6]- Class: Blade Gunner[/color][/b]: Kal’s default Class Augmentation is a jack of all trades – this is his regular Class. In this form, his Nanoweapons take the form of a sword and a pistol, respectively, allowing him to damage foes from range, and up close. [/hider] [b][color=0054a6]Background[/color][/b]: “Hi. My name is ‘Kal’. I am an Adaption Unit. I am pleased to meet you.” The Adaption Units were one of many conceptual ‘robotic human’ designs. As their name suggests, they were designed to adapt and evolve, much like various experimental AI. Progress on these units was made by a small team of hobbyists, who put in work on the project. Over the course of three years, a man known as Kal Riers within Project SKINTIGHT and his team created the very first ‘Adaption Unit’, nicknamed ‘Rojo’, which started as an emotionless person in a foreign world they didn’t understand. Over time, though, Rojo changed entirely, now capable of expressing various emotions and holding full conversations. But that concept, fittingly enough, evolved. The Adaption Units showed potential… what if they were to become highly configurable house assistants – or if they were to become customizable weapons of war? The main draw for the new series of Adaption Units were the Command Nodes, small discs that could be inserted into an Adaption Unit to change various aspects about it, or even give it knowledge – or even commands! The plan was to release the Adaption Units, then also release Command Nodes with various information – so that buyers could upgrade their robotic new pal… for a price. And, in terms of battle, these Adaption Units were able to shape their very own Nanobots to create weaponry, while with their sheer customization – they could fill many roles on a battlefield. In concept, these were versatile soldiers, capable of many things… though not to the level as super-soldiers created via nanobots. And before these new Adaption Units could see the light of day, they were confiscated – as SKINTIGHT was forcibly shut down. However, various documents regarding the creation of these units remained. However, the scientist Kal Riers was not seen from that day forth. With the creation of the Project BIRTH, though, one more Adaption Unit saw the light of day. This was the Kalth Birthed, dubbed ‘Kal Riers’, in respect for the man. However, Kal found himself in a foreign, strange world… one he didn’t understand. But as an Adaption Unit should, he began to adapt to such an environment, learning various things among the way and even managing to create a personality for himself. Even today, he seeks to learn more about the world… to adapt. [b][color=0054a6]Other[/color][/b]: Kal is highly configurable! If someone wanted to, they could very well create a command node to change Kal’s hair and eye colours. How is this possible? Why, as it turns out – Kal’s hair is actually fake, and is created from an excess of nanobots! Due to this, his hair feels somewhat metallic and does not move. [/hider]