[@Pikmin Eye] Here you go. You waited extra long, you get extra large post. ... Which is not entirely how it works, this just so happened to be your next post, heh. I removed the "teleport doesn't work in caves" limitation. I don't feel it makes sense. Teleport can be used to teleport within a significantly short range within the user's awareness OR to a single spot the user has set up beforehand, which is usually the last Pokémon Center the Pokémon was at. Which is exactly where you end up. [hider=after having read post]How do I make town seem bigger, I wondered for a while. ... WITH PLENTY OF DISTRICTS AND IMAGES, OF COURSE! XD Worldedge City might have had some dramatic changes to it since I coined it a year ago, heh. Anyways, now you're there. My apologies if this wasn't the desired development. But hey, you can get back. Haha. Now, what will you do?[/hider] [@Rune_Alchemist] Math checks out. Alright, moving on. I present to you these two routes. I could have written Mt. Strength too, but I was slightly tired after having written [i]*points upwards*[/i], so Route 4 will do as your new Route. I shouldn't assume too much, anyway. Mt. Strength will be a fun write, heh. [@Eklispe][@Joshua Tamashii] Nicely posted. And, that which I just wrote was written mostly out of desire to write [i]something[/i] to you two. You haven't done anything yet, so I can't write anything concrete, but since Dawkin [i]suggested[/i] asking for advice, here's what happens if you DO ask the nearest most available woman for advice, haha.