[@Dogematix] I'm never sure why folks can't think of a reason, but here's my take on it. Others can take a look at this too, if they wish. Think of this; [b]You[/b] are a transhuman super-weapon built for war, your entire life has been spent in service to a space-Nazi Imperium and cult, and your only 'real goal' in life is to die for that cause and that Imperium in the name of an Emperor you have never seen. Now think of the various renegades we know of - Red Corsairs, Relictors, Blood Knights, Soul Drinkers, Crimson Slaughter - each had turned renegade for various reasons, but the two we can look at the most are thus; some form of 'betrayal' by the Imperium they served, or some form of 'release' from their ingrained and self-imposed/reinforced shackles. The Mantis Warriors took part in the Badab Rebellion along with the not-yet-Red-Corsairs, revolting against what they saw as encroachment upon Astartes sovereignty and too much Inquisitorial/other interference. The thirty or so Chapters of the doomed Abyssal Crusade were sent into the warp with the backing of the High Lords - the actual instigator being a Chaos corrupt cleric! The Relictors and Blood Knights are 'renegades' because the Imperium declared them [i]Excommunicate Traitoris[/i] and [b]forced[/b] them out. By whole Chapters or by tens or singularly, renegade Astartes become so mostly because - at their very core - they are still only human. Perhaps they get a wee taste of power and enjoy it too much, maybe they finally start seeing baseline humans as worthless and wonder why they're even bothering to protect them if they can't protect themselves, possibly they are influenced by Chaos or - in extreme cases, much like the Traitor Legions - events transpire that drive them to throw off their loyalties and old ties. I realise this doesn't have much to do with your post, as I'm sure you've got it worked out already, but I feel it is good to remind people sometimes. [b]Now[/b], as to your actual question, why would they shoot him on sight? If he declares himself a renegade, swears loyalty to the Despoiler and paints his armour black, then he's as good as done. He could just as easily walk up to the nearest Legion patrol, transmitting his changed loyalties, and be fine. Maybe he also need to pass some initiation tests? The whole basis of this RP is that Legionnaires, true Long War vets, are a finite resource and there'd be no reason for Abaddon not to simply take on 'other' traitors. After busting out of the Eye, he'd likely be in need of all the renegades, Alien mercenaries and traitor Guard that he could find, if he wishes to keep a foothold. In short; the idea you have is fine, as is any torture/testing he is given, and although the experience he would have as a Champion would surely serve him well, the fact he is nevertheless a pale imitation of a 'true Astartes' will sadly see him lumped in with the rest of us. :D [@DrunkasaurusRex][@Ollumhammersong] If anyone else wishes to join, then please do! I'm not going to make this a massive group RP, but between 4-8 would be perfectly fine methinks.