Hey guys it might take me a couple days or so, maybe a little more, before I can get a post up. Yesterday morning I woke up with my uvula (punching bag thing in your mouth) seriously swollen. Like... pressing into my tongue swollen. It turned out to be an allergic reaction to... something... I have no idea what. Fortunately I'm doing alright and it's getting better, but I'm on some pretty heavy duty antihistamines that are making me very drowsy and out of it. This could be the dosage, as for first day I took double dose to really hit the swelling fast, but could be the medicine itself. For the rp in general I'd like to be able to meet up with Maul relatively quickly, as I don't want to be off on my lonesome for very long. But I'm okay with Xalles being up against a Jedi on his own for a little while. I'll post when the swelling is more down and I'm more awake.