[quote=@souleaterfan320] Patty: I can help myself down, so no worries here. *takes a running start, and leaps into the chasm of buildings, fallibg several feet before devices in my boots whir up, emiting a soft blast when I near the ground, softening the blow, as i make contact with rhe ground, rolling to a stop, and i get up, dusting myself of. I proceed to wait, looking up in your direction* See? *i shout this, hoping you can hear this* Drake: *still a bit shaken, and slightly adgitated, shakes off the thought of the hight of the building he is on* Ive got another idea. *a black and reddish orange energy swirls around my fist, and i punch the roof, putting a hole in it, and i jump through, landing on the next floor* Heh, easy. *looks around* Huh, seems like there's some possibly useful tech in this floor... *goes toward the elevator on the floor, noticing it still has power* Hey, the elevator works! I'll see you down there. [/quote] Nix - *Watches from the edge and hears you easily.* Got it! *Shouts it back before turning to see what Drake's up to* I see we're not avoiding property damage. *I say this jokingly.* Alright. *Jumps off the side of the building and slows my decent around the last quarter of the fall, landing softly next to patty.* He's taking the elevator down.