That's a good veggie pun there. Shit now I'm gonna feel inferior. [hider=Rutaba][center][b][h1]Rutaba[/h1][/b] [img][/img] [h3][b]"There's so much talk about the pride of our race...but I haven't done anything to be proud of."[/b][/h3][/center] [sub][b]NAME[/b][/sub][hr][indent] Rutaba [/indent] [sub][b]AGE[/b][/sub][hr][indent] 23 [/indent] [sub][b]GENDER[/b][/sub][hr][indent] Female [/indent] [sub][b]APPEARANCE[/b][/sub][hr][indent] Rutaba is of medium height at 5'6" but there's an intimidation in her stature that, while pointless towards other Saiyans, works well enough when it comes to the conquest and conquering. She has a fit build, with arms clearly defined with musculature though she isn't a brute. She's a bit more hardy than a typical human - for example - but her stocky frame doesn't hide the more obviously feminine aspects of her figure. When she isn't attired in battle armor, her undergarments are a dark blue and sleeveless; it is in this casual attire that the edge of a scar along her back can be seen near her shoulderblade. As a youth she kept her jet black hair short, as that was the expectation, but entering adulthood she has let it grow out to just below her shoulders. She has the build of a Saiyan warrior, particularly in the upper body, though her rounded face has a softer, sweet slant to it in stark contrast to the stern, strong jaw and stature of her brothers and sisters in arms. [/indent] [sub][b]RACE/ORIGIN[/b][/sub][hr][indent] [b]Saiyan[/b] Hailing from the planet Vegeta, the Saiyans are a known race of warriors who relish the opportunity to fight in order to become the strongest warriors in the universe. Under the service of Lord Freiza, many Saiyans are used as planetary conquerors where their affinity for combat and conquest has proven remarkably useful. [/indent] [sub][b]Power Level[/b][/sub][hr][indent] 1,800 [/indent] [sub][b]PSYCHOLOGY[/b][/sub][hr][indent] It's expected that a Saiyan would enjoy a good fight and while Rutaba is no stranger to combat she would be hard pressed to describe any of her fights as good. While several of her comrades relish the chance to fight, Rutaba has a different frame of mind when she enters the fray. Yes, she will fight and often she will be the first one to volunteer, but she doesn't do so out of racial expectations or the notion of Saiyan Pride. She does so because it's the only thing she knows how to do, and even then it's debatable if she even does it well. Rutaba wants to fight because she wants to know [i]why[/i] she does it. She fights because every step of her life she has felt like she didn't belong, like she was a failure, and every single time she walked away from a fight the victor there wasn't that pride. There was just nothing. Rutaba feels like an alien among aliens given that she never had much of a home and the creatures and soldiers that make up her 'family' hardly made her feel welcome. She's been tossed around to different squads and often relegated to backup because of her supposed lack of power and lack of a warrior's instinct, but when given the chance she always is the one willing to ensure that everyone gets back alive even if it means she doesn't. But never is she given consideration for those acts. Only admonishing. Only reaffirmation that she's weak. When Rutaba volunteers to fight, to spar, to go on conquering missions it's not because of the Saiyan love of battle - it's to prove to herself that she [i]isn't[/i] weak, that she [i]is[/i] strong and that she will finally earn her place in the galaxy. Shame that it hasn't happened yet. Shame that no matter how hard she tries it seems it's never good enough for her or anyone else. [/indent] [sub][b]HISTORY[/b][/sub][hr][indent] Rutaba was never truly meant to survive as long as she has. While it sounds a bit dramatic, that's how it was told to her by supposed comrades who saw it as a chance to mock the pathetic monkey, perhaps to goad her into making a mistake. Rutaba's low amount of power at birth had her sent away as an infiltration baby to a planet of stout aliens whose idea of fun was gladiatorial combat with the hostile fauna native to their planet. It turned out to be a blessing as her home planet was destroyed a year after her exile, though Rutaba might have seen it differently. Rutaba was thrust into the pits of the planet to live amongst the little gladiators armed with their little weapons and their big confidence. Her first taste of battle was at age two where she lost in spectacular fashion to a four legged fanged beast. Rutaba was given the lash for losing which only got her angry. Why was she expected to fight for amusement? She developed a hatred for those little creatures and their improvised weaponry, and that hate festered until she was six years old. For four years she struggled, fighting beasts and getting lashed even when she started to win - sometimes she won too quickly, sometimes she won too slowly, whatever the excuse was she got the lash. It all bubbled and boiled over the top. After winning a fight in shy of thirty seconds, Rutaba was taken to the lash again, only her anger towards this unfair treatment resulted in a blast of energy. The spike of energy and power was detected by a passing ship of Freiza loyalists who diverted course to check it out, hoping it would at least provide an amusing fight. All they found was a Saiyan girl with a back bruised and battered, sitting next to the burned out remains of an arena. Rutaba was brought back to Freiza and re-evaluated. She survived and she was welcomed as a member of the army, albeit as a grunt without much of the respect given to her similar aged peers. Rutaba was passed around different teams before being tossed aside for her perceived 'weakness'. When she was knocked down, she didn't jump right back up. When told to spar, she asked why. Fighting was all she knew but she didn't understand what she was fighting for. Wherever she went, Rutaba felt unwanted. She was tossed away as a baby, she was tossed aside as a child, and even now that she's become a full fledged adult she still doesn't think she belongs. Part of the reason why she stuck with the Frieza Army was out of needing a place to be validated, even as a grunt, the other is out of necessity. There aren't many of her kind left and having no true home Frieza and his forces are all she's ever known. There's at least a sense of purpose fighting under a banner, even if her feelings after a battle are not one of pride and joy but general apathy. Regardless of everything, Rutaba will still fight. Because it's all she knows how to do. [/indent] [sub][b]ASPECTS[/b][/sub][hr][indent] [b] Saiyan Stamina:[/b] Whether as a result of her upbringing or just a natural part of her being a Saiyan, Rutaba has a noted high amount of stamina which essentially means she can fight longer - barring incapacitation or defeat of course - than average. Of course this also means she has to recover what she expends which has done some good things for her figure if she's being honest. Her specialty of energy blasts is attributed to her stamina reserves. [b]Adapted Hardiness:[/b] Rutaba's daily lashings in her infancy and youth has toughened her skin. While she's not impervious or made of iron or anything and will get hurt when attacked directly, her body can handle physical attacks and even martial weapon based ones fairly well. Energy attacks used against her care little for the hardiness of her body, however. [b]Saiyan Zenkai:[/b] She's not sure how to measure it but she's been told her people have it and that the only reason she grew strong enough to survive her infancy was because of it. [/indent] [sub][b]SPECIALIZATION[/b][/sub][hr][indent] [b]Ki Blast Combat:[/b] It wasn't her physical strength that saw her destroy the alien Colosseum but a sudden surge of energy from her hands. While she can hold her own in hand-to-hand combat, her focus and training was on using ki blasts in tandem with her punches and melee. Her signature, such as it is, is her clapping her hands while a light purple aura glows around them, then she separates her hands, both still having the aura, and being able to launch a bolt from each hand for as long as she maintains the charge. She wants to try to incorporate ki blasts into close quarters if possible. [b]Cooking:[/b] Initially her being designated to 'prepping a victory feast' was a role given to her because of her perceived weakness. But as she is always wanting to prove herself and find herself, she took to the task well. She's exceptionally good at cooking meat and if she wasn't so determined to be a warrior she might have had a place in the Saiyans as a battle chef. [/indent] [sub][b]EQUIPMENT[/b][/sub][hr][indent] [b]Scouter, Blue:[/b] Standard issue. She wanted a red one. She got a blue. [b]Bone Tooth Locket:[/b] A souvenir from her youth, a tooth from the first beast that got the better of her, pulled from his mouth after she bested him. It serves as a reminder of the experience. Some call it a memento of her first successful conquest, but looking at it only brings about bad memories. But it brings her an odd sort of comfort still. [/indent] [sub][b]RELATIONSHIPS[/b][/sub][hr][indent] [b]Name | Relationship[/b] To be developed [b]Name | Relationship[/b] To be developed[/indent][/hider]