[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/391702847051268116/410811138436235264/Mary_and_Braden.png[/img][/center] Erica calmly responded in stead for Braden. [color=82a327]“Look around us: I’m here, Krista isn’t. I may not be useful, but at least I am smart.”[/color] Braden looked irritated - no surprise there, that was his default expression anyway. [color=82a327]“I do not care if you’d like to avoid me: I’m here to survive, not make friends, [i]cuck[/i].”[/color] Erica scoffed, using the insult thrown at Zachary during the trial for good measure. It was obvious that this debate was going nowhere: the room was split on opinion and people were talking in circles rather than responding to each other. Erica’s voice was undoubtedly drowned out by the vocal players of either side that were busy debating their side was the wisest choice. Monokuma was able to physically split the group depending on their view on the situation, and Braden stepped up to the podium. He had very little to say, but the least he could do was stick by what he thought even if the group wanted to commit suicide together in the end. The podium opposite to Braden was occupied by Mary. Interesting. Braden had talked to the streamer back when he had first arrived at the killing game, never seeing her since until the trials. He gave the girl a respectful nod. Braden started first. [color=82a327]“So you acknowledge we’d be slaughtered if we try going against the carnage sisters, so why are you willing to be a part of such madness? Something like this has happened before, no? Something about a Shona? Why not learn from your mistakes and play to survive?”[/color] Mary's eyes lit up fiercely when the former Ultimate Knight was mentioned. Her hands clenched into fists, and she glared at Braden. [color=pink]"Shona sacrificed herself to save all of us! We have to keep her memory alive by saving those we can! Even if it's risky, it's meaningless if you don't try!"[/color] She took a deep breath. [color=pink]"Playing to survive is exactly what the mastermind wants. He preys on our feelings of weakness, and uses that to turn us against each other. Don't you see, Braden? If you're going to ignore Krista, you'll be continuing the cycle!"[/color] [color=82a327]“She sacrificed herself to save us all, huh? Sounds to me like it was in vain. The killing game is still happening and people are still dying. That’s what this is. A killing game, and unless you’re smart about things, you are not going to live. I’ve only been here for a short time and I’ve seen Krista defend a blackened without even considering any other option and now she has gone off trusting a carnage sister and here she is. She is getting herself into these situations and we cannot clean up her and Bill Clinton’s mess just because he wants a bit of Monica Lew-”[/color] Erica was interrupted by Elias, who made an uncomfortable coughing sound. [color=pink]"It's only in vain if we let it be!"[/color] Mary responded clutching for her heart. [color=pink]"Krista may be a bit ditzy, and has poor word choices for her jokes, but she doesn't deserve to be abandoned! Just as she has helped others, so should we help her. I know I can't let her die,"[/color] she said, looking aside briefly. [color=pink]"I still have something I need to tell her. The only way we can continue, the road to hope, is in saving her."[/color] [color=82a327]“Alright. So we go save Krista, and say we lose a couple people in this room.”[/color] Erica gestured around herself wildly. [color=82a327]“Would that really be worth it? The life of Krista, who has done nothing but lie and keep things from you, as well as defend the blackened and get herself into trouble, for the life of say… Max. He’s strong, can fight and looks like he has a brain that skull of his, even if he’s not using it right now. He can apprehend the blackened should he find them and knows how to solve crimes. Would that really be worth it?”[/color] Braden shrugged. [color=82a327]“I’d rather have Max who can figure out whatever the fuck is going on in a trial than somebody that will blindly trust the first person they see in a case. We’ll survive longer that way.”[/color] Erica scoffed. [color=82a327]“You talk about these guys praying on a moment of weakness… Do you not see what you’re suggesting? These stupid robots KNOW that people like you will go out of your way to protect damsels like Krista. By coming out and showing you’re willing to be a knight in shining armour each time, you’re showing them your weaknesses!”[/color] Mary puffed her cheeks, annoyed that Braden wasn't listening, and used his damn sock puppets to taunt her on top of that. She knew she didn't have to take it personally, but she was miffed nonetheless. [color=pink]"Fine! Let's agree to disagree then. I know I'm right on this matter, I don't need your approval for it."[/color]