[@Raptra][@King Tai][@SantosGabriel77][@KatherinWinter][@FalkiThomas] Eryx was assessing the damage as he tookbthe horse's reigns. If his new partner didn't get on soon he'd be left behind. One boy just jumped on, the other he couldn't see. Guards just rushed out, meaning they were dumb enough to leave the loot itself unattended. That left two possibilities then, he thought. "Hang on kid." He says to the one on the roof, before kicking the horses sides. This situation was going south fast, and as long as he had the one on the roof, he'd get the answers he needed. The carriage began it's roll forward, slowly at first but quickly gathering speed. He didn't care about any guards in front, they could move or get trampled. It was time to see id they were willing to stop the cart or chase it. It'd be a real shame if they took it out and the riches poured all over a bustling market with plenty of people to snatch it all up. Not even they would be that dumb he thought, turning into the market streets. His plan was simple, he just had to get the card to the slums, where a group of guards would have a hard time looking for a caravan and an even harder time getting through. As they began to take off he turns his head, shouting up to the person on the roof. "Coins! Grab some, we're going to need to ditch some of this if we want to get away with it! It won't be much!"