[center][img]http://www.tarotwikipedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/moon-174x300.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=Gale Eden] [center] [color=#F595E2]Name:[/color] Gale Aldrich Eden [color=#F595E2]Age:[/color] 13 [color=#F595E2]Gender:[/color] Male [color=#F595E2]Appearance:[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/lggMgRe.png[/img] Gael is a rather beautiful young boy, with large chocolate-brown eyes and soft blond curls that reach his chin. His build is slight and waifish, making him seem far less than imposing in more aspects than not. [color=#F595E2]Attire:[/color] Gale is more often than not swallowed up by pastel-colored coats several sizes too big for him. He also displays a remarkable fondness of bows- bows on his coat, bows on his boots, and a large bow tied neatly around his throat. His pockets are often swollen to the brim with candies and sweets, and it is a very rare occasion for the boy to be found without the stem of a lollipop poking from the corner of his mouth. [color=#F595E2]Arcana:[/color] The Moon [color=#F595E2]Weapon:[/color] A pair of gauntlets, the ends of each finger leading in a sharp, razorlike tip- effectively rendering each into a blade. These claws are jagged along one side, allowing them to slide easily into flesh, but create vicious tears upon their removal. For how wickedly the weapon is designed, however, they still remain beautiful in their craftsmanship. [color=#F595E2]Personality:[/color] For all of Gale’s sweet, cherubic appearance, he is a monster through and through. Hiding behind a thin veil of courtesy and politeness, the youth is extremely cynical and cold, his views on morality and the like shaky at best. He has a extremely dark and cruel sense of humor, and despite his behaviors, he is nearly hypocritical in how highly he holds the idea of “manners”. Interestingly, Gale is also highly cultured as well for someone of his age, being well-read and knowledgeable of different plays, novels, and operas. [color=#F595E2]Backstory:[/color] Gale’s family was one of those sorts that fell just an inch above the comfortable suburbs of the middle class, safe from hunger or struggle or what have you. His father worked high among the branches of his company, and his mother worked as a pharmacist. Their collective incomes ensured that Gale would never go without, and the parents themselves doted on the child as if he was their own flesh and blood son. He wasn’t, really- Gale had been adopted into the Eden household at the age of six- but they still loved him with all their hearts. The boy was hardly the perfect child, however. Having been plucked from an abusive household, Gale was discovered to have a neurological disorder that made him unable to experience pain, and an almost eerie detachment to the ideas of right and wrong. It wasn’t uncommon for him to mock and goad his parents and peers, playing surprisingly cruel pranks and feigning innocence when caught. Everything came to its natural conclusion when the Edens found their son crouched over the neighbor’s cat with a knife in his hand, slitting the belly from crotch to chin. Horrified, the parents immediately sought as much help as they could get- speaking with Gale’s therapist with the issue, hiring psychiatrists and psychologists and whatnot. Eventually, after years of therapy, the boy began to show signs of improvement. He expressed guilt over his behavior. He smiled at his mother’s terrible jokes. He built up a circle of friends, adopted a set of healthy outlets and hobbies, and took the first trembling steps into a proper life. Of course, Gale hadn’t changed. Deep down, he was still the same boy who had quietly disposed of the neighbor pets- but he had discovered that making believe was far more beneficial. When the Apathy Syndrome hit, he and his family were luckily unaffected, and when P3 rolled around, Gale involved himself in as many fundraisers as he could- for the hospitals, for the worried families, for the children themselves. It was after one such event that Gale went to sleep, and found himself waking in the wonderful world of Wonderland. [color=#F595E2]Theme Song:[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1fei3cXNzI]Bach’s “Little” Fugue in G Minor, Piano Version[/url] [hider=Geryon] [b]Name:[/b] Geryon [b]Persona Appearance:[/b] Geryon takes the shape of a chimeralike monster. It has eight legs, bent and shaped like that of a spider’s, but built like a lion’s- paws and all. It’s body and wings are that of a dragon, with a scorpion tail. The tip drips with venom. Interestingly enough, despite the beast’s horrifying body, its face is that of an honest man. The entire being is roughly the size of a mountain lion, if not a bit larger. [b]Persona Skills:[/b] Skewer Eiha Rakunda [b]Character Relevance:[/b] The Monster of Fraud, the Geryon portrayed within Dante’s Inferno resides between the seventh and eighth circles of Hell, Violence and Fraud, and serves as an escort for Dante and Virgil into the latter. For the young Gale, it represents the farce that he presents to the world- that of a kind, warm-hearted man- and the violent horror that lurks just beneath the surface. [/hider][/center] [/hider]