[center][h1][color=f26522]Walt Grismer[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] Walt looked around at all the faces around him, other people chosen to do whatever in the hell it was that this man was seeking. The display of sheer magical prowess was impressive, but seemed wasteful, but it was as the man started to walk away with the woman, he stood there dumbfounded, do they just go in too? This man has left them no instruction overall, but at this point he wasn't going home, if he could he wouldn't know how, so the only real option is to follow. As Walt walked forward he moved up to the two, [color=f26522]"Hey, uhhh, I'm Walt, uhhh, you got some impressive skills there, are you a teacher or like some kind of welcoming party, dorm admin?"[/color] Walt started into a grilling session on the two of them in an attempt to gather whatever kind of information that he could, [color=f26522]"Can I get a name if you please, maybe a nice history of the place, or really anything other than the vaguely ominous note of teleporting."[/color] However despite the questions the tall man seemed to ignore them and continued walking away leaving him with the smaller girl that had stayed behind Walt walked without moving his right arm almost at all, his dad always called it the gunslingers gait, he did it so that he could draw his weapon at any moment, and as much as he hoped that this place and all his hopes for it were real, he had to come to grips with the idea that this guy and his little friend were just as dangerous as the things the letter mentions, as such he kept a hand near his cap gun to be ready to fight if it came to it.