[@Virani] You may apply for any spot that says it is open. Multiple people may apply for the same position and us GMs will decide upon which application/character is a better fit for the roleplay. [hr][@jynmi88] The other GMs and I are currently discussing all of this and we will let you know our decision around these suggestions along with the range that the powers/abilities could fall under. [hr][@Grnmachine] For the most part your character is looking good. There are just a few things we noticed. The first is regarding the steam manipulation. Steam manipulation would be something that could only happen if he mixed magic with the fire chosen. The second is in regards to you having Jonah be in his early stages of developing his powers. This kind of falls on us as we forgot to mention it prior to now, something I will be fixing by adding a need to know section to the first post. But Jonah needs to be further along with development of his powers for two main reasons, first is that by the beginning of the roleplay the previous chosen ones will be dead(either you can decide how as part of your history or leave their death to the plot line) thus leaving Jonah with his full power. The second is that the gms and I decided, and forgot to mention, that the usual time that training begins is age 10 so Jonah most likely has about 9 years of training under his belt. Of course that doesn't mean he is fully training and done with training, but he wouldn't be in the early stages of developing his powers.