[hr][hr][center][h1][b][color=9e005d]Constantin Kolev[/color][/b][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/7abab444934e1f8f30e883bdad0f71a0/tumblr_nrisnnDhEA1rmcs4lo6_500.gif [/img] [hr][b][color=9e005d]Location:[/color][/b] Russian Imperial Circus - Tent City [b][color=9e005d]Skills:[/color][/b] Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive) [hr][/center] Now that he had some clean clothing on, Constanin moved back to the bed and sat down, trying to think over things. This country was bad news from the moment they set foot in here. There were the soulless who were so obviously arrogant as the other people who hailed from here and walked the streets and even dared to appear so close to the tent city. Then there were the visions of pain he had. Was it really about such a woman? Why would someone stand such experiences in that case? Thinking things through he can think only of one reason... to protect someone else. It was the only thing that made sense to him. He would suffer almost everything to protect those from the circus he considered family. He hoped that was the case cause if she was just a weak person who wouldn't protect herself, she wasn't worth the thinking about in that case. He rubbed his temples and laid down, his mind wandering to the unknown soulless they had seen earlier. It was new... at least new to him. Maybe it ha ventured from some region out there that wasn't as well known. That could be it. Who knew how many kinds were out there of these abominations. Which on it's own raised a different question. Why would it be here? Were the rules changing? He couldn't see why they wouldn't. Mix things up, new combinations, those who aren't prepared would be victims and they almost fell victims today. Though admittedly that was Veta's fault too for leaving the city alone even be it with Myshka. [color=9e005d]“Better return to the festivities...” [/color]He eventually mumbled, stood up and headed back to finish his meal.