Ghent tensed underneath the chill of wind. He bit his bottom lip, his grip on Drust tightening. [i]It's just a trick,[/i] he used Elayra's words to reassure himself, desperate for his inner voice to drown out the whisper he heard drift so dangerously close. [i]A harmless, little trick.[/i] When the wind died down, Ghent exhaled with a weak sounding sigh. He would never get used to Hollow Forest. Fighting to keep his body from trembling all over, Ghent turned his attention back to Elayra. He guessed she would snap at him, but she didn't. To his shock, and perhaps to the shock of any ghosts secretly present, she agreed. The look of disbelief on Ghent's face was almost comical. He was so used to bickering and being turned down, he didn't know how to react. Unwilling to give her time to change her mind, he set Drust down and moved to swap places with her. "As you may remember, I used to work at a book store." While Ghent spoke, he slid his hands underneath Drust's armpits and hoisted him up from the ground. As expected, the knight's top half was heavier. "Drust weighs about as much as a shipment of books," Ghent rambled, as if she would care. The forest's silence disturbed him. Talking was the only thing he could do to cancel out the quiet. After becoming satisfied with his grip, Ghent nodded to show Elayra he was ready to move. Keeping his eyes and ears alert for the slightest movement or sound, he did his best to match Elayra's pace. He couldn't see her feet, he could only feel each time she took a step. "A shipment of hardcover books, though...definitely hardcover," Ghent mumbled, readjusting his hands so they locked across Drust's chest. The last thing he wanted was to drop their guardian.