[center][h1]Hello and Welcome to my 1x1 Search Page[/h1] My name is Decadent Dark but you can call me Decadent. I am a 24 year lady from the middle of nowhere who gets bored a little too easily. I am on the hunt for a little more roleplaying fun. So here is the break down: * I am pretty relaxed when I roleplay. I post about 1 to 2 paragraphs per post and expect the same from my partners. * I like roleplaying in PMs. This is because I do like a little adult content in my roleplays and that is where it goes. :) * I am not a awful person and would love to talk to my partners. I live alone and I have run out of topics to talk to my cat about. * I mostly play females with MxF pairings. It's what I am comfortable with. I have been known to play a male twin to my female lead, but that is only for doubling. (which I am cool with) * When it comes to powers and/or special talents, you need to find balance and not be extremely powerful/amazing. No one is perfect. So don't come at me with a super main man that can block all moves or a singer with 12 octaves (there is only 10 that are hearable by the human ear so....yeah don't) * I like a little set up before we take off in a roleplay. Getting on the same page about a world has saved me a lot of arguments. That being said, we can make it up as we go. Just let me know what you are thinking. * As I have said before, I like a little adult. Blood, gore, violence, swearing, sex, and all that stuff. However, I am not a fetish writer. I am not very comfortable with a lot of kinks, so be prepare for a lot of vanilla stuff. I can push my limit but that is something you can ask about. * I can not do just straight smut. I can do a lot of smut but there's got to be some meat with those potatoes. If it anything more than 60%, it tends to get boring for me really quick. [hr] That's about it. PM me if you are interested! I will update this with my cravings as well any plot ideas I have at the moment. Hope to chat with you soon ~<3 [hr] [h2]The Dark currently craves:[/h2] [h3]Princess x Stable Boy Bad Boy x Good Girl Popular Boy x Misunderstood Girl Human Girl x Yokai[/h3] [/center]