Glad you liked it. xD I figured he would be tempted by it, especially when he's scared. I can too. They'd be at the height of fashion! Hah! I've been debating getting rid of my Care why not re-purpose him? I have a couple apps and around three games, but they use up a ton of space. I don't have much music since I've been using YouTube a lot for that. Especially lately, with our playlists. And...YES. I believe Cheshire Cat would approve of our loyalty to him. =^^= Oh, sweet! Yep, I definitely forgot about those too. I love gauntlets, and those ones are especially cool. Drust just got even cooler in my book, if that's possible. Yay for photo references! ...I also forgot that Ghent packed a bunch of junk food along with him. I wonder how much of it has survived through the abuse the backpack has gone through. Aw, I never thought you were long-winded with sentences. But, we are our own worst critics. [i]"I’m also starting to think that trees are Drust’s worst enemies."[/i] Oh my gosh. Wait. Is this the second time he's hit a tree? The first time was with Elayra, right? x'D I gotta read back on this. If that's the case...his worst enemies are trees, and also the two children he's sworn to protect...:lol