[@Triesa] As if calling to or welcoming him, the doors slowly creeped open beckoning the stranger to enter. The cold silence of escaping stale air resonated with a longing and loneliness. It was as if the building itself was aching and pleading for some company, for some purpose. Then with a rustling gush of air the tavern inhales. Despair turned to hope swiftly sweeps in on a soft breeze. The heavy wooden door swung wide open and softly 'clanged' against the wooden wall to which its hinges were tied. With the door fully open a forgotten light cascades into the wide open empty room. This new gleaming life reached across the decrepit wooden floors and still statuesque furniture, pausing at the foot of the bar and seemingly not daring to reach up the ancient grand oak stairway. The once idle and ancient dust now stirred by the breeze played in the welcoming rays of sun. It swirled about in the air shimmering and dancing, giving a false life to these dead halls.