Hello! I'm Knight Errant, the Wandering Knight. I've been roleplaying for a while both online and via pen-and-paper systems, but have been suffering from a severe lack of all of the above - that is, till I found here! :D My preferred genres of RPing tend to be fantasy, sci-fi, and historical. Subgenres within those that I can't get enough of include (in no particular order) low fantasy, cyberpunk, European and East Asian medieval, Renaissance, wuxia/martial arts, mecha, and weird fantasy. I tend toward the more casual side of RPing, so a couple paragraphs are usual but I have my moments of waaaaaay more than that! In the real world, I'm a history dork going to college who drinks lots of coffee, enjoys a nice whiskey at the end of the day, and loves nothing more than getting into a sword fight. Well, a [i]wooden[/i] sword fight. :P I'm looking forward to getting to know many of you! Cheers!