The dust inside danced up into the air in little nebulous sequences above the fine wooden surfaces of the bar. Before it settles Conda is already taking steps toward the open door, both copper colored eyes set keenly ahead to where the door rattles on its hinges. His crimson red coat comes into the place like a drop of blood, lapels searing with decorative silver lining; reflecting dim light up into his fearfully sharp face. “Well this is fun. Nobody in sight, yet I feel I’m not alone. This being the famous Nameless Tavern I expect my arrival will be met in due time.” He thinks with a twisted delight. “In the meantime- a drink!” He says aloud as he strides up behind the bar to sort through fine wines until he finds “Eternities Crux,” one of his favorites of this millennium. It’s been said that the High Elves drank this before battle to feed them with a ferocity which, of coarse they inherently lack. That’s all fable though. What they really used it for was to kill themselves off. Some young, but mostly elder’s would take it to quicken the last few hundred years of life in 2x the speed. This latter is fact, Conda knows... he was there among the High Elves. With a fine drink by the bottle, and the place seemingly to himself, he sits and looks around. One or two lanterns flicker about. “Not a bad place I admit. This will do for a few nights stay at least. It’s a perfect kind of quiet... better enjoy it while it lasts.”