Rift Event - Other-worlders all wake up and meet one another [color=a187be]- People are missing some personal effects[/color] [color=a187be]- BONEY BEE[/color] [color=a187be]- Bloody altar and sacrifice and bodies[/color] - Enter MERCY/TRIDENT who is coming in to pick up the pieces [color=DBA901]-The operatives of the TRIDENT branch MOON have been out of contact for far too long and one of the only remaining operatives still in contact Natasha has been called in from a leave of absence/vacation.[/color] Dragon attack - Members of TIGER-unit are killed [color=a187be]- Flesh wall/barrier/dome thing Twain makes to protect the party[/color] Escape to HQ AT HQ - Interviews and tests, more other world people wake up - Otherworlders contracted to join TRIDENT - Twain offers to teach Necromancy [color=dba901]- Charles Baulderdash takes Twain up on his offer to teach necromancy[/color] [color=DBA901]- Natasha is brought to Tristian for questioning as she was the last person to be in contact with any of MOON's operatives.[/color] CURRENTLY - There is an attack [color=a187be]- Magic defences flash - runs over surface of base[/color] [color=a187be]- Weird shit happening to certain PCs[/color] That's pretty much it in a nutshell for me in order to keep it kind of simple.