Dashing the last few meters to the ball Junebug aimed a kick towards the basket. Before she could land it one of the enemy players smashed into her from the side sending her sprawling across the cobblestones. The world stuttered for a moment but she rolled to her feet in time to see the opponent racing down the field towards the basket. One of her team mates leaped onto the man's back bearing him down in a flurry of swinging fist and lashing feet. Pushing herself up she retrieved her staff in time to see another of her team kick the ball towards her in a long arc. The song of the locals began to swell as the ball bounced before her. She swung her shield at it like a bat hammering it down field towards the basket. Howling with anger or excitement a massive man rushed at her. She thrust her staff like a spear into the fellows stomach setting her whole body against the weight. Even from a few feet away she heard the air rush from his lungs as the point took him beneath the sternum and he twisted sideways vomiting messily. At the other end of the field a ruck had formed around the ball, which evidently had not gone in where locals clubed and kicked at each other in frantic excitement. Cursing under her breath Junebug saw Neil leap into the fray. Rushing down the field she drew her shield up in front of her intending to smash into the ruck, but quite suddenly the ball shot from the fracas and into the basket like a pit shooting from a namas fruit. They crowed roared and a bass gong sounded somewhere up on the zigguurat. As though someone had flicked a light switch the brawl ceased. The gong sounded again louder and more insistent. Junebug slowed to a cautious walk, uncertain if this was part of the game or if something had gone wrong. [@POOHEAD189]