[centre][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360327250866077698/372355567496462336/Curtis.png[/img][/centre] [color=39b54a]Curtis watched as the beast walked out of the trees, of coarse it was a massive monster. It couldn't have been some angry teen practising evil voodoo magic, it was a horrifying Goliath. Curtis hissed as the beast spoke it's voice now even more intimidating, the voice undoubtedly fit its owner. It's words were cruel and condescending, this demon wanted to sacrifice a little girl.[/color][color=green][i] Dammit what the heck are we going to do against that thing? Even if I wasn't hurt I don't think I could fight that thing...[/i][/color][color=39b54a]Kurt watched as some arrows flew at the beast he followed the score and looked up at her, Marcus was next to her. Then he looked forward again and was shocked to see the tiny girl walking out into the clearing. Not only that but she asked about how to sacrifice the archers sister?[/color][color=green][i] W-what the hell is she doing!?[/i][/color] [color=39b54a]Before Kurt even knew what he was doing he'd already lunged out of the bushes and was sliding to a halt next to the insane chick. His brain wasn't really working at this point, he'd just jumped out into the open and was looking up at a monstrous forest demon creature. He couldn't manage any words at this point so he just growled. He was mad at this monster for hurting all these children but he also knew that rushing in would be useless. This made him even angrier. The rage quickly boiled over his resolve and he let out a roar, he'd already rushed out of the bushes so why not rush at the demon?[/color]