[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210315/dde33e8d23ad74fb1f59fb2bb2f7bdd0.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/01/50/c9/0150c9aa1bcc5e5bb4b9fc3d3588755c.jpg[/img][/center] [color=gray][indent][indent][indent][i]Ordrin Entheys is a man of particular taste and of particular wealth. However, for over three decades he has sought a particular item, a sealed chest lost to time itself. The contents of the chest remain unknown, but whatever inside has gotten the old merchant giddy. There are many rumors out there about what’s inside the box. Some say it is ancient gold while others lead to the more magical and mythic. However, whatever is inside remains to be seen. The frozen wastes of the north have many stories, after all. However, word has reached Ordrin that the caravan that the chest was on has not reported in to the second checkpoint after leaving the stronghold of Auonar. Ordrin suspects the worst and has hired a team of specialists to track down the caravan and his treasure at all cost. Failure is not an option. You are a member of that team. Usually you work alone, but this is a special occasion. You owe a great debt to Ordrin and whatever that debt is you would like it paid off. Ordrin has tasked you with this job and he expects results. He will be paying for your expenses when you return to him with treasure in hand and if you don't, well, you'd rather that not happen.[/i][/indent][/indent][/indent][/color]