[@Camey] "Me?" Mikkish asked in response, thinking for a brief moment how to word what he had done. Simply saying that he had killed a man might not go over well, even if this girl was also here to avoid prison. "Well in Georgia, and a lot of other places, we have to do 'community service.' If you don't know what I mean by that, its not picking up trash or working at a soup kitchen. Its going to a local park where Maniacles has baited a shit ton of Pests; I mean swarms of them. You and everyone else who showed up would run around the park killing them. It started out being optional, but became mandatory." Mikkish remembered seeing a guy just a couple years older than him, maybe, fallen over in the grass being eaten alive while still unloading his gun. "My girl at the time was doing it, I decided to go with her. We ran out of ammo, and this guy from her college, this fat douche, held us at gun point..." He stopped talking when they turned a corner and noticed two of the girls they came with ([@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Mariana Collie]) were talking with a couple guys. Not just talking, but being robbed. "Speaking of gunpoint..." Mikkish said, drawing his gun