[@MikkishtheLeprechaun] [@Mariana Collie] She could feel copper in her mouth, felt the cold kiss of the barrel of a gun almost brushing against her skin. Funny? [i]Funny[/i]? What was funny? What did this bastard have to laugh about. She opened up her eyes, her gaze trailing from the start of the gun (her own damn gun!) up his arm, locking gaze with him. She was a careful woman, by nature. At every moment before this point she had fully intended to just create an opening to run. To grab the girl and book it to a place that had more people. That was before, though. Now a dark pit opened up in her mind and in flowed memories from so, so long ago, when someone very much like him had something very much like that and all the horror that came from obeying. Her vision became a tunnel, blotting out everything else in the world until there was nothing left but him. She didn't even wait another second. She screamed out, but not like a person. It was something primordial, the cry of a wounded animal calling out for life itself. She lunged, knocking the weapon that was so close astray, wrapping one hand around his throat and plowing her entire weight into him to take them both to the ground.