[@Cairo], a bouncer. I love it! Haha I've posted the general Character Sheet requirements below. Once we have 2-4 acceptable characters I'd love to get started. [hider=Character Sheet Template] Name: [If you're going by a gang name or alias, provide both here.] Age: [Avg. age in The Aerie is between 8-17. If older, your bio must explain why you'd like it this way.] Height: [Self-explanatory] General Appearance: [If submitting a photo, no anime styles permitted.] Special: [Defining marks, birthmarks, scars, deformities, or traits worth mentioning.] Belongings: [Things used daily, such as weaponry or toys. Maybe something hoarded in The Aerie, like an expensive trinket, etc.] ________________________________________________________________ Parents, Alive or Dead?: [Further explanation can be provided in bio.] Existing Family: [If applicable] Personal History: [Go nuts. What's your story?] How You Joined The Macliar Rats/ The Aerie: [Brief or detailed explanation. Simply need to know who recruited you, or how you got in.] [/hider] If you want to add any additional information to the Character Sheet I've provided, feel free. If you have any questions, let me know. I'll post the CS for my main character in this thread by the end of the night.