Downstairs in the kitchen, AJ's eyes were drawn to the bowl of apples sitting adjacent to the refrigerator. She stopped by the knife stand to grab a paring knife, small but sharp enough to be effective. A few of her classmates were present in the kitchen as well, although AJ simply chose to ignore them for the sake of time. She went on to slice her apple on the cutting board, absent-mindedly allowing her thoughts to grow distracted by what the day ahead of them might bring. Unfortunately, AJ was careless enough to the point where she accidentally cut her finger with the knife. The cut itself wasn't deep as it wasn't something that required stitches, but she would prefer to stop the bleeding. With her back still turned to everyone else, AJ began eating the slices of apple while she opened the faucet to let some of the warm water wash over her wound. She winced in pain upon contact, but otherwise gritted her teeth and remained silent. A little bit of time had passed as AJ finished her breakfast. She put everything in the sink despite the fact that dirty dishes bothered her, but that could wait. She wasn't expecting anyone to give her any lip about it either. Upstairs, AJ went into the ladies' room. In there, she searched through a few cabinets and drawers in search of a band-aid and it wasn't too long before she found the first-aid kit. Worried that she might be cutting it too close with time, AJ wrapped the band-aid around her finger and then headed for class, stopping by the kitchen to announce that she would take care of the dishes at a later time after school. --- Once AJ got to the classroom, she sat in one of the chairs on the table closest to the window. She settled in and right away noticed the message sprawled on the board. AJ looked around with an expression of disbelief. Were they actually supposed to learn anything from a robot? The most it could do was probably dictate the material from some source, but even then, they could do that themselves by reading a book in their rooms. "Is this a joke?" she said out loud, refusing to believe what was going on.