[Center]First there is darkness. The soft cool wetness that is your existence. But there is sound outside that, a noise calling from beyond the bounds of your universe, a yearning within your soul, to leave the safety of your protective layer. To explore the world outside, to find, to seek... Something... To find movement, to leap onto it, to grapple for its respiratory orifice, and force your eggs inside. Your limbs twitch, dreamlike in your torpid state, but then the gates of the universe open, allowing you into the cold breeze of the world. It is dark in the cold world outside of your egg, but there are lights in the distance. A flickering beam, footsteps, voices, breathing... You are beneath a stack of square objects, piled loosely enough for you to move within them unseen. There is a large object outside the pile, it hums and vibrates with heat and gas, but it does not seem to be alive. Beyond that there are voices and footsteps of the approaching life forms. You are not alone.[/center] So, as you may have guessed it, this is a xenomorph to. You aren't some marine going on a big hunt or surviving a living nightmare however, you are the nightmare. Things will be simple, you will start off as a simple yet horrifying facehugger and work your way through the xenomorph life cycle. Now you may have several questions. "What good is a cs when we will all be the same species?" That is an excellent question. Xenomorphs are basically the same among their respective caste system and have roughly the same abilities outside of some being smarter than others. [Hider=Template] Toughness: 200 kcal Movement: 100 kcal Perception: 50 kcal Strength: 150 kcal Bioweaponry: 150 kcal Molt: 500 kcal[/hider] That is where this template comes in. As you can see, this template will allow you to personalize your living nightmare to be more to your liking. As you hunt and kill, consuming the remains of your kill will reward you with a certain amount of kilocalories which you can use to gain upgrades. This allows you all to be the same yet different and establish roles into the hive that you will be creating. Another question may be "What if I want to be a xenomorph like the mantis or even the xeno crusher?" I won't be allowing genetically altered xenomorphs as it would complicate things but that is also where this template and 'upgrades' come into play. These stats must be at certain ranks to meet the prerequisites to achieve certain forms such as the xenocrusher or swimmer xenomorph. Now, in most rp's, if you want another character then your first character has to die. You won't have to do that here. This is a hive after all. If you become dissasstisfied with your personal xenomorph then don't worry. You can always surrender control of your xenomorph to the hive (make it an npc) and start again so long as there is another facehugger about. I am hoping this gets the interest it needs to start. As a fair warning, I'm still tweaking the template and the chart for prerequisites to other forms and such. If you have any questions or would even like to contribute to the chart then please talk to me. [hider=General Rules] 1. Don't be a jerk, have a good time. 2. Yes, you are the perfect organism, that doesn't mean I can't turn you into a bullet sponge. 3. Do not take over anyones character without permission. 4. One nightmare inducing killer per person. 5. To show interest, simply post the template in the characters tab. Exclude the kcals, those are cost points for upgrades.[/hider] [hider=Rules of the Xenomorph] Simply put, I'm going to tell you how things will unfold. If at any point you feel your xenomorph is not up to your standard, you are more than welcome to surrender ypur xenomorph to the hive, this means you won't be able to control it anymore and it will become am npc. If there is a face hugger available, you may assume control of it in hopes to obtain a new host and start with a fresh xenomorph. Everything will be reactionary, meaning you tell me ypur plan and how you wish to execute it, and I will tell you how everything unfolds. This prevents you from slaughtering an entire squad of marines in one post. As you may know, xenomorphs aren't the smartest creatures, however, they do poses more than adequate problem solving skills and are smarter than ypur average killing machine. That being said, your experiences could certainly come in in certain scenarios, so don't be afraid to get creative with your plans.[/hider] [hider=Scenarios] You all will be able to vote in which scenario you would like to try and develops your hive in. Sorry I don't have more. Couldn't think of a variety at the time #1: After a successful bug hunt. Your xenomorph hive was destroyed and the queen was captured. However, the queen managed to stow away several eggs onboard the space vessel. #2: With the eggs laying dormant for years, several unlucky individuals find themselves in an abandoned nest. They must have come from a newly formed colony. If things go right, you may be able to overrun this colony and cultivate a new queen.[/hider]