[hr][hr] [centre][h1][color=coral]Phoebe Wayne-Isley[/color], [color=green]Uná O’Brian[/color] and [color=#B3BBA3]Lavi Kyle[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/MHSrgYX.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/NNrl8Sk.jpg?1[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/VsZ1pYf.jpg[/img] [b]Location[/b]: Courtyard; The Academy. [sup]Interacting with: Each other.[/sup][/centre] [hr][hr] It was with absolute joy that Phoebe twirled slightly, creating flowers around her not caring what the other students thought of her at that moment. She had never in her life had such freedom to create plants without worries, or fear of discovery. It made her laugh, a clear tinkle of pure happiness. Soon she was surrounded by flowers and was just contemplating forming one of her little plant monsters when she realised what she must look like. Blushing, Phoebe quickly tried to compose herself reaching up to smooth her hair, which was now filled with flowers and flower petals. She glanced about to see if anyone had noticed a little relieved when no one seemed to be staring at her. She hesitated a moment, glancing about and seeing that several people were grouping up… talking… interacting… which is something she should be doing too. She hesitated, lingering where she was until she saw a girl struggling with her things. Hurrying over, Phoebe said [color=coral]“Do you need a hand?”[/color] Uná cut her eyes down as the girl that ran past her practically fell on the Stark boy she'd been staring at. He caught her and they seemed to have a moment and she let them have it in private. Startled by a feminine voice at her side asking if she needed help she glanced up blushing. [color=green] “Yeah I guess I do. I should have had these in by now but I keep getting distracted. I'm Uná O’Brian, pleased to meet you.”[/color] Uná held out her hand trying to balance the luggage so that it didn't tip over. It wobbled but stayed upright. [color=green]”I have no idea how long it will stay like that. I hope long enough that I can catch it before it topples onto us.”[/color] She mock whispered grinning and holding her hand out. Phoebe smiled, reaching up to tuck her hair behind her ear, [color=coral]”I’m Phoebe”[/color]she said, deciding not to go with the last name she’d been given for now. She didn’t feel like explaining right then why she had been given the name Smith. [color=coral]”Nice to meet you.”[/color] She paused a moment, studying the luggage, she twisted some vines around it steadying the luggage so it wouldn’t fall on them. She smiled, pleased with herself and accepted Una’s hand. [color=coral]”Shouldn’t fall now”[/color] She said cheerfully. Uná shook Phoebe's hand and her eyes got all sparkly as Phoebe used her powers. [color=green]“Oh that's so cool!!! I wish I could do that!!!”[/color] Uná slumped a little and sighed.[color=green] “I can't even use my powers consciously. Plus mine are scary...well sometimes. Ugh pathetic!!! But still that was way cool!!! If you don't mind me asking, what else can you do?”[/color] She leans in and whispers.[color=green] “I would love to know if you can grow jade vine. This might be a good climate for it… I sound like a total nerd. Forget that last little bit. Our secret. I'll deny it to my last breath.”[/color] She straightens and grins her eyes sparkling like pools of river water with sun on them. Phoebe smiled a little shyly, rather pleased but also a little self conscious. [color=coral]”I only know the basics of my abilities… I’m not sure even what I can do. I haven’t had much chance to test them, you know? Didn’t want to get caught by anyone… and I didn’t have anyone to guide me.”[/color] She said softly, [color=coral]”I’m sure mine could be scary too, once I was trained up a bit... “[/color] She trailed off, trying not to follow that train of thought. [color=coral]”Uh. I’d have to see a picture of it, but I don’t see why not. Should be easy enough to do”[/color] She hesitated, [color=coral]”its a tropical plant, right? I could probably grow it here although it would need near constant care for the first few days for it to thrive.”[/color] She said before trailing off, realising she might sound a little stuck up, [color=coral]”S-sorry…. I get carried away with plants.”[/color] Uná practically danced with excitement and grabbed her phone pulling up a Google Image of the vine. Handing over her phone she bounced on her toes and pointed out the turquoise blue hanging vine and grinned.[color=green] “Isn't it gorgeous? It's the perfect blend of green and blue. It looks like something out of a fairy tale. I've never seen it in real life. It's native to the Philippines and well gorgeous!!!” [/color]She blushed and grinned glad she could indulge her guilty pleasure with someone who understood. Phoebe studied the plant a moment, looking over the image she was a little hesitant to create it, but… she couldn’t not use her powers for fear… she let out a slow breath, stepping away from Una, whose enthusiasm was making it just a little harder to concentrate. Phoebe could appreciate someone being excited about plants… but this was one of the first times she was using her powers freely. [color=coral]”I can try… “[/color] She licked her lips a little nervously, before she drew in a breath, and began. It seemed a little slow going as Phoebe imaged the plant in her mind, the flower slowly forming between her hands. She kept her eyes on it, still a little hesitant, worried it would come out wrong. Meanwhile, Lavi Kyle sat not too far away from the two young women, her bum growing numb from sitting on the hard, wooden bench for such a prolonged period of time. Her cat, Leo, lay in her lap, purring as the girl absently stroked his soft, black fur. Lavi simply observed everyone around her, not making a move to introduce herself to any of the other students until the wise words of her nanny popped into her head. “Stop being so anti-social, [i]mija[/i],” the elderly woman had said to her one morning before school, “make friends.” Lavi thought friends were overrated. Nevertheless, she lightly shoved Leo out of her lap and stood, searching for someone to approach. She spotted two girls easily, watching with amusement as they geeked out over... [i]plants?[/i] [color=#B3BBA3]“Well, isn't this just precious?”[/color] Lavi said with a smirk as she walked over, peering at what was forming between the young woman’s hands. Phoebe looked up as someone else approached, pausing a moment in what she was doing. She couldn’t decide if the girl was being sarcastic or not. A little reserved, not wanting to assume she wasn’t being sarcastic, Phoebe looked back down at the plant she was growing. [color=coral]”Plants are precious...“[/color] She said, finishing what she was doing and smiling down at it. She gently held it in her hands, [color=coral]”I’m glad you agree”[/color] She said, looking back up, raising an eyebrow [color=coral]”I’m Phoebe”[/color] Uná looked up at the new arrival and smiled.[color=green] “Uná O’Brian and you are…?”[/color] There certainly wasn't a shortage of beautiful friendly people here. She tucked a strand of hair out of her face so it wouldn't be in her eyes. Lavi fought the urge to burst into laughter, amused at the fact that the young women had not caught on to her sarcasm. The wise words of her mother easing back into her mind, she simply covered the laugh with a brief cough before plastering a sweet grin onto her face. [color=#B3BBA3]“Lavi Kyle,”[/color] she said, nodding her head slightly, [color=#B3BBA3]“It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”[/color] Phoebe tilted her head, watching the stranger. She frowned slightly, sure that this girl had only approached to get a laugh from them. She flicked a glance to Una, a little unsure, before handing her the jade vine. She glanced back to Lavi, [color=coral]”Are you sure about that? Only you seem a bit… Uncertain about that.”[/color] She said mildly. Uná takes the vine lovingly and looks between Lavi and Phoebe. She was missing something here. Phoebe seemed on edge.[color=green][i] What is going on here? What did I miss?[/i][/color] Uná decided to observe and see if she could use context clues to fill in what she was missing. As her grin widened, Lavi tilted her head and let out a chuckle. [color=#B3BBA3]“Well, of course I'm sure,”[/color] she said with a quick glance at Uná, who seemed to be in her own world. Eager to change the subject, Lavi said, [color=#B3BBA3]“I've been stuck in public school my entire life with a bunch of mouth-breathing [i]regulars[/i]. It's refreshing to meet people with abilities. People who aren't... [i]boring[/i].”[/color] As the girl spoke, she took a quick glance at the plant that Phoebe had created out of thin air just moments before. Phoebe, more than a little taken aback at the words, said [color=coral]”So was I.”[/color] She barely stopped herself from saying [i]yet I didn’t come out of it a bitch[/i]. [color=coral]”I enjoyed my time there.”[/color] she said instead, she looked down at the jade plant, before back up at Lavi, [color=coral]”Really? I was under the impression you found this boring.”[/color] She shrugging. [color=coral]”I never really had the freedom to use my abilities.”[/color] Looking to Una, she smiled slightly. The girl seemed to appreciate her creation, and that was enough for Phoebe. [color=green]“I wish I was normal.” [/color]Uná said softly and sadly with a haunted look. Her lips thinned and she shook her head shaking the memories off.[color=green] “But no use in crying over spilt milk.”[/color] [color=#B3BBA3]”Honey, [i]normal[/i] is so overrated. Why be normal when you can be extraordinary?”[/color] Lavi said as she folded her arms across her chest. Truth be told, Lavi actually liked being normal. She liked blending in with the crowd, pretending to be just like everyone other teenager in Gotham City. It wasn't until word came out about she and her mother’s true identities that she quickly abandoned that way of thinking. [color=#B3BBA3]“That being said, what [i]exactly[/i] can you do, Uná?”[/color] Lavi said, curious as to what abilities the other young woman possessed. Hopefully, it would be a lot more hardcore than… plant manifestation? Phoebe shook her head, sighing softly. [color=coral]”You shouldn’t underestimate people, you know”[/color] she said, [color=coral]”Although I do agree, normal is overrated.”[/color] She was more than sure that she didn’t particularly like Lavi. It would be amusing to put her in her place, but she decided to leave that be, for the moment. Uná cleared her throat and swallowed hard.[color=green] “Uh manifestation of interactive illusions...but I haven't been able to produce them consciously. My dreams manifest as well as my nightmares. Which are apparently no joke. I almost killed my parents with a nightmare.”[/color] Uná didn't look up just gently stroked the flower petals on the vine. She paled considerably and looked stark white making her freckles stand out more. [color=#B3BBA3]“That sounds… intense,”[/color] Lavi said with a whistle, [color=#B3BBA3]“but impressive.”[/color] She could only imagine the damage Uná would be able to do with her ability if she could produce these illusions consciously. Uná looked up at Lavi and Phoebe.[color=green] “Impressive? Now I sound like a weapon. I just want to either be normal or have control. That's not too much to ask, is it?”[/color] Phoebe gave Una a reassuring smile. [color=coral]”That’s why we are here, isn’t it? To learn control. Here, we’re normal. And that’s okay. Maybe it’s the rest of the world that’s abnormal.”[/color] she said encouragingly. [color=#B3BBA3]“She's right,”[/color] Lavi said to Uná, [color=#B3BBA3]“this academy is supposed to help us hone our skills, right? You know, so we don't end up blowing up the planet on accident.”[/color] Uná smiled faintly and nodded at their comments.[color=green] “Right. So why are you here Lavi? You seem pretty in control, as do you Phoebe.”[/color] Uná looked between the two girls and waited for an answer. Lavi seemed to be coming around. She at first seemed like she was going to pick on Phoebe and herself for nerding out. But she hadn't so she turned out pretty cool. Phoebe seemed pretty cool around Lavi but maybe it just took a while normally and Uná was an exception to a rule. They had gotten along like peanut butter and jelly from the get go. Uná liked Lavi; she seemed pretty much all together and pretty sassy too which was fun. Clearing her throat, Lavi took a quick glance around before she spoke. [color=#B3BBA3]"When the treaty was signed and everyone found out about my mother's double life, things sort of flipped upside down for us,"[/color] she said bitterly, [color=#B3BBA3]"The locals wouldn't stop picking with us, so she decided that a change in scenery would do me some good."[/color] As the young woman spoke, she let her arm drop to her side and extended her hand, beckoning Leo to come to her side. He did, as usual, laying at her feet and purring loudly. Lavi did not originally want to speak much about home when she arrived at the academy, so she was surprised at herself, to say the very least. She'd decided on the spot that these were two women she wanted as allies; she viewed it merely as a tactical move towards gaining their trust. [color=#B3BBA3]"Besides, I'm sure no one has it all together,"[/color] she said with a shrug, [color=#B3BBA3]"I know that I can do amazing things, but I [i]also[/i] know my limitations. I'm not everything that I could be, and my mom thinks this academy can help with all of that."[/color] Uná smiled at Lavi and nodded.[color=green] “I'm sorry you went through that but look where it got you. I think it's going to be better for us from now on.”[/color] Uná looked down at Leo.[color=green] “And who is this handsome fellow and may I pet him?”[/color] Phoebe shook her head, [color=coral]”I never had a chance to practice, so I don’t know the full extent of my abilities. I also have the bare minimum level of control over them. By that I mean I’m no longer influencing plants around me without meaning to anymore”[/color] she explained, [color=coral]”if I didn’t have that… well… “[/color] she gave a small shrug, falling silent. As if on cue, Leo hopped up from Lavi’s feet and trotted over to Uná, peering up curiously at the young girl. [color=#B3BBA3]“Sure, whatever,”[/color] Lavi said with a wave of her hand, [color=#B3BBA3]“he’s usually friendly.”[/color] As Phoebe spoke, Lavi nodded her head, for she too did not know the full extent of her abilities. [color=#B3BBA3]“If you didn't have that, we’d have been seeing a lot more of these around the campus, yeah?”[/color] As the young woman spoke, she motioned towards the turquoise plant that Phoebe had conjured not too long ago. Uná crouched down and reached out to let Leo scent her first and then scratched under his chin and behind his ears. She smiled at him and ran her hand from head to tail down his back repeatedly. She cradled the jade vine in her other hand. Phoebe nodded, looking down at her hands. She had been glad to speak with Una, but Lavi made herself conscious. Like the girls at her old high school. The ones that thought they were superior than everyone else. She wasn’t too sure about her. [color=coral]”Yes. And while I love plants, I don’t particularly fancy having to fight my way through them every day.”[/color] She glanced around, noting the time [color=coral]”Should be able to enrol in classes soon. We should go and see”[/color] Without waiting for either girl to answer, she once more started towards the main building.