Rhaak gave a nod to Mu'kam as the bandit regarded him. "You are of the fighting pits?" He asked suspiciously. Rhaak nodded once more, sitting down to rest as his master had bade him touch nothing. "My last master was Mal Jashe of Sharsaya. I fought and bled for his coin, until I came into my new master's service." Ma'kum eyed Rhaak, having heard of a slave fighter of renown known as the 'Qabdat Alhajar.' He would have pondered this further, but there was an unknown quality to this place. A quality that spoke to his thieving nature. A quality that even went beyond his mortal desires. It was a calling; a yearning to learn of the ancient past of this place. Ma'kum's eyes glazed over, having fought against the urge for many minutes before succumbing. "[i]The scroll[/i]..." he heard in the deepest reaches of his mind, and his conscious mind agreed. If ancient secrets of magic truly were written upon it, he would make a fortune in the market's of Iz-Rayed. What happened was as Amira feared, and at once they were trapped within the tombs. Ma'kum shivered, gaining a clarity of what he had done. The bandit dropped the Papyrus Scroll and flinched back, gazing around sheepishly and in claustrophobic fear. Within the dark, bronze glinted as figures shifted in the gloom. Rhaak was on his feet, a scimitar in his hands as he stood protectively before Amira. Stone grinded upon stone, and Ma'kum turned about just in time to see the first mummy rise from the sarcophagus. No, not a mummy. It was a guardian of the tomb. Its shoulders were broad and its body sculpted, an archiac lower robe was swept across its upper legs and hips, inlaid with gold. The Tomb Guardian was taller than Rhaak by a head. The bronze Khopesh swords were in its hands, and its head was the visage of a snarling Jackal. Baleful eyes met Amira, and then Rhaak, before settling upon Ma'kum. Three other Sarcophagi began to shift as the Anubis drooled and advanced. Behind Ma'kum, the dias had fallen from the tomb's movements. Below it was a shaft, albeit a small one. [@Penny]