[center][h1][color=6ecff6]Sophia Harris[/color][/h1] [img]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/30400000/Emma-Gifs-3-emma-stone-30493320-500-259.gif[/img] [I]Location: Ville au Camp: Main House, Sitting Room Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Sophia looked towards Evelina before rubbing the back of her neck slightly, feeling slightly embarrassed for already asking a question. [color=6ecff6]"Sorry I didn't mean to be disrespectful."[/color] She said looking towards Alexandra seeing her giving her little looks, and gave her a 'what' look. She was really more wanting to get answers right away, she was still processing everything that was still going on, before Sophia turned her attention back towards The Dice. She raised an eyebrow slightly when she mentioned that there were much worse things then Walkers, or getting bit. Sophia listened to her as she fully introduced her name to everyone in the room, as she leaned forward to listen a little bit more. She stopped when Sophia heard that the dice that she had was what caused everyone's deaths in the room, a lot was still going through her mind. Sophia wasn't sure if she should be upset or angry, but she didn't deliberately kill them, but she continued to listen there had to be a reason why but Evelina clearly said that it was her reason and her reason alone and wouldn't tell them. It just left her with more questions, but Sophia continued to listen in while occasionally looking over at the rest of the Paradoxes in the room wondering what was going through their minds right now. Sophia was surprised to hear the exact age Evelina was three thousand years old, looking over towards Gilbert The Hat wondering how old he actually was as well. Then the rules, looking down, when she heard that she would never be able to go back she wouldn't see Niesha ever again or anyone else that she knew. Sophia thought about her own family as well, even though she knew that they would most likely have been dead since the outbreak. But she knew and understood why, even if she wasn't a scientist it would most likely hurt them and knowing that it probably would hurt Niesha way more. Then The Dice started to mention about their newer perks of their new life now, not aging, getting sick or having periods anymore were all a big plus now which made her smile slightly. The thought of never having a kid again was bad, remembering the times she had discussed it with her husband before he died. But Sophia perked up slightly when she listened to Evelina as she started to mention certain abilities that they all would be getting. Wondering what she meant by that, Sophia looked towards Gilbert when she asked him for a demonstration for his. She watched as The Hat started to change his appearance before her seeing his face, hair and eyes quickly changing shape and color before her. When she thought she had seen it all, the dead coming back to life, then dying and waking up here with a second chance at life, and then finding out about getting superpowers was now getting interesting to her as she laughed slightly towards James and gave the man a friendly smile at his sudden outburst.