[centre] [b][h1][color=9966cc]Soren Thorson[/color][/h1][/b] [img]https://i917.photobucket.com/albums/ad11/myandrallene/Character%20Gifs/ezgif.com-resize_zps2l4mgf25.gif[/img] [color=9966cc][h3]-Son of Thor-[/h3][/color] [b][h2]Featuring - Thor Odinson[/h2][/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/Tb2VKgKG7Er4I/giphy.gif[/img] [h3]-The God of Thunder-[/h3] Interacting with: Each other [/centre] [hr][hr] [b]”Are ya ready, lad?”[/b] Soren felt a firm, familiar grip on his shoulder, though his eyes wouldn’t move from the spot that was his home. Not just Asgard in general where he had been born and raised for a number of years, but particularly the estate that his mother had her hand in raising him, alone, for many of those mentioned years. It’s not that his father was a [i]bad[/i] one… well, no it pretty much was. His mother never failed to mention it whenever the likes of Thor came up in conversation, either. He was wild, immature and not fit for anything. But that was before he was sent to Earth. Maybe Soren was the only one that saw it, but when his father came back even that first time, Thor was a changed man. Was it even possible for someone to grow so much over such a short period of time? Soren spent more time with his father after that, mostly training though the two did manage to speak words of wisdom with each other that Soren silently took to heart. Everyone else in Asgard might have had an opinion on his father, but Soren’s was changing. Maybe, if only because he simply [i]needed[/i] to see the change for his own sake. But now was the time to say goodbye - to Asgard, to the home he shared with his mother… everything. He was to go to Earth for the first time and though he was excited beyond measure to see a whole new world, he was also terrified. He knew very little about Midguardians and their culture. What if he made a fool out of himself. And worse yet, what if he put shame on his family’s name? They were gods… and he had a feeling that he would screw it up, somehow. Soren took in a deep breath and nodded, finally looking back to his father. He clutched onto the burlap sack filled with his things tightly, and nodded a few more times more so to convince himself that he was ready as his eyes began to drift. [b]”Your mother will be joining shortly. It is her wish we travel together without her.”[/b] Thor said, as if reading Soren’s mind. Sif was to teach World Studies at this new school his parents had jointly enrolled him into. Not only that, but his father would be popping in from time to time, [i]and[/i] two of his own cousins would be students there as well. He didn’t know them very well (likely because of their heritage to Loki), but even if for some reason his mother didn’t take the position he wouldn’t be completely alone. [color=9966cc]”Goodbye, Mother.”[/color] Soren said quietly to himself. He hoped it wouldn’t be for too long. She didn’t seem very keen on the idea of [i]staying[/i] on Earth. Not when his father would be popping in and out whenever he wanted. [b]”I want you to have something.”[/b] Thor said, breaking Soren’s thoughts. Curious, Soren turned to face his father completely. Thor considered Soren for a few moments before taking hold of Soren’s hand and placed within it, a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/41/ce/b1/41ceb1c10c2c0a57e4b088197cd713a1--golden-key-old-keys.jpg]key[/url]. Raising and eyebrow, Soren raised the key to his eye level, looking over the beautiful (and very random) piece of metal. [b]”I have a mission for you, son. You’ve become quite the man in years past, and so I entrust you with this.”[/b] Thor began. [b]”This key, son, will secure the safety of the Midguardians while you live your life out on Earth. Misplace it, and the Earth-realm may very well be destroyed. Though fret not. So long as the key remains with you, no harm shall befall the feeble planet. Do you accept your task, Soren Thorson, god of Humility?”[/b] [color=9966cc]”I do, my King. Father.”[/color] Despite the thousands of questions that ambushed his mind at such the outlandish request, Soren did as he had been taught for many years, and bowed to his father, sealing his acceptance. He literally knew nothing about this key - not what it was for or why, exactly, but his father was never very good at giving details. Thor beamed and clapped Soren on the shoulder before turning himself and his son around, heading to the bifrost where they would be able to travel to Earth. [b]”Your mother and I are very proud of you, son.”[/b] [hr] He had been on Earth for the whole of one second and he was already regretting it. Thunder, lightning… could his father have chosen a more flashy entrance? True they were gods to these Midguardians, but that didn’t mean that he had to show off like that. He was sure that these people knew very well who they were without all the flashy theatrics. Soren sighed, already feeling people staring once they arrived. Giving himself something to do, he slipped the key into his pants pocket where he was sure it would burn a hole through with his curiosity by the time the day was over. [b]”There we are!”[/b] Thor said, moving to stand behind his son and grabbed him by both shoulders, shaking him a bit and inhaled deeply. [b]”Earth! Have you ever smelt anything like it?”[/b] Soren hadn’t noticed it until his father had said anything, but there was definitely an odor. His nose wrinkled. [color=9966cc]”It stinks!”[/color] Soren blanched, moving his hands to pinch and cover his nose. Thor bellowed out a laugh and smacked his son across the back, forcing Soren forward a bit from the impact. [b]”A stench you will come to relish in, I promise!”[/b] Thor exclaimed, and as if to prove a point, sucked in another lungfull of Earthen air. [b]”Go on now, just that way."[/b] Thor pointed with his hammer. [b]”Make friends. Learn things. Bond with the people as I have.”[/b] Thor encouraged Soren forward a bit more by pushing the head of his hammer into Soren’s back. [color=9966cc]”Okay, okay!”[/color] Soren reached behind him and tried swatting away the hammer until Thor finally removed it. [color=9966cc]”Don’t have to tell me twice!”[/color] It was the opportunity of a lifetime, and yet Soren still found his feet to be cemented to the floor. It was, however, the feeling of being stared at that finally got his feet moving, joining in with the throng of people that either went out of their way to avoid him, or couldn’t stop staring at him. This was going to be tricky.